The more I attend class the more I loath attending. I was under the assumption that we would be talking about themes and conpairing and contrasting. Every class is the same thing, dates to remember what wars were fought, I even double checked my schedule to see if I was still in the right class, to see if I had somehow missed a day and to find out that my class somehow morphed into a history class. Unfortunately it's still World Lit.
There is this girl in my class who looks like this:
She even has the hair color, God I hate her, well not really hate, but dislike with a passion. The reason why my dislike is beyond normal levels today is because the teacher stood in front of the class and read her oh so perfect essay response, and she sat there and soaked up every minute of it. I seriously threw up in my mouth, just a little.
Maybe I'm jealous, maybe it's the fact that I feel uncomfortable around people who are into RPGs, maybe my secret overachiever self is humbled by this hoolahoop throwing, RPG playing, red haired toadie. I hope you get stabbed with a prop while you're pretending to be an elf.
Ok I feel better.