Apr 27, 2011 14:30
After many long months of sitting around the house I am finally going to be employed as of Monday. Okay no one can say that the Hallifax call centre is much to get excited about but it is full time and permanent. I can finally relax and start looking for proper jobs again without stressing out about everything! Only downside is very very restricted hols over the summer!
Game of Thrones
I've never been in such a weird place in a fandom! I'm one of the long time members, and I am being so amused with all the reactions to the tv show, as well a been deeply proud that it is a tv show! I just keep having the urge to warn people not to have pairings because there is no guarantee both will live or when they part they will ever see each other again.
And I am laughing at myself because I seem to have most of the main houses family trees, sigils and spellings firmly lodged in my head, and I don't even remember consciously learning them!
Comics: X-men
Why oh why did I let myself get back into them! I had managed to mostly kick myself of the habit before I went travelling. And just by deciding I wanted to rp one character, I've found myself knee deep in comics, buying the graphic novels to catch up and debating all over the place about what will happen. X-factor has made me happy and the series X23. I am so worried what will happen to me when the other X-men comics start getting better again! I may never surface!
Make It or Break It
I went from never having watched it, to seeing every ep in under four days. I am badly addicted and want more! I really have a thing for competitive sport shows
Being Human
I still can't get over season 3, I curl up in a little ball just thinking about it!
Can't wait for Baltimore! All I can say is I've been waiting for these kind of details for years. Just one more week to wait for it!