How could I resits this
Day 01- All time favorite character in Lord of the Rings
I'm talking the books here since Faramir didn't happen exactly how I wanted in the film. But book or film, he's my favourite character. I love that he stays true to himself the whole way through and digs deep again and again to find courage and loyalty.
Day 02- Favorite Hero
Day 03- Favorite Villain
Day 04- Favorite non-Hobbit character
Day 05- Favorite Hobbit
Day 06- Favorite creature
Day 07- Favorite region (Rohan, Gondor, Moria, etc.)
Day 08- Favorite movie
Day 09- Favorite book
Day 10- Favorite photo
Day 11- Favorite battle
Day 12- Favorite scene
Day 13- Favorite quote
Day 14- Happiest scene
Day 15- Saddest scene
Day 16- Your reaction when you first saw LOTR
Day 17- Favorite Fellowship of the Ring moment
Day 18- Favorite Two Towers moment
Day 20- Favorite Return of the King moment
Day 21- Favorite death
Day 22- Favorite game
Day 23- Favorite extended edition
Day 24- A character you wish had lived
Day 25- Least favorite character
Day 26- Favorite Aragorn quote
Day 27- Favorite Frodo quote
Day 28- Favorite Legolas quote
Day 29- Favorite Boromir Quote
Day 30- Why you love Lord of the Rings