On religion...

Sep 22, 2008 15:18

I think the total and outright shunning of "religion" by the contemporary church in favour of a "relationship" view of Christianity is one of the most tragic theological holes the church has ever fallen into. As soon as you say that Christianity is nothing more than a relationship, it becomes all about you and how close you think you can get to God. That's not what being a follower of Christ was ever supposed to mean. Religion, on the other hand, is all about other people- loving other people and caring for other people. James says "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world" (James 1:27).

The fact that the contemporary evangelical church rejects religion is a sad indictement on its treatment of the orphans, and the widows, and others who are in need or in distress. But it does explain a lot. The contemporary evangelical church seems to be more interested in going to various conferences and rallies and bible studies and prayer meetings, because after all, they need to work on their relationship with God (and the businesses of Katoomba need their money).

Well I say bring back the religion. That's what the world notices, and thats what the world needs. The needy couldn't really care less how many Christian conferences you've been to, if you're not gonna demonstrate any love to them, then you're exactly the same as the rest of the world. Its no wonder society at large sees the church as a self-absorbed institution that loves nothing more than to indulge in their own narrow interpretation of charity and ignore anyone who cries out for real unconditional love.

The focus shouldnt be on denouncing and discounting religion, but on discovering and practicing the kind of pure and faultless religion that God our Father accepts. Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.
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