riverside isnt that bad..
i didnt know kool nice kids existed there..
davey..analisa..patricia..and linda proved my asian ass wrong.
this was the whoooooooole reason for the trip to riverside
nigga bean found him some women
and of course...
we all had to cock block..
like literally deeeeeeeek
; )
davey havoc and crystal drunk as bunk
when nothing to do at a party..
just act gay
bean and his women handllin on the couch..
and of course we HAD to cock block again
"heyth guyths...ma names ith james"
so i met some crazy a.d.d. chick named linda..
she took me into her closet and we tried on her clothes and took some ridalin..
the band that played left their red light on..
if you dont know what we're all doing...
then u dont know whats up
; )
markxican got his hair did
agro made out with some more gay guys
we found bean again in the attic!
and of course we had to take off our clothes
truth or dare in the attic??
n/m mark..i change my mind..
i WOULD hit
; )
we couldnt get enough of davey??!!