Aug 26, 2003 13:26
This is my first entry as a livejournal user, free drinks all around!
So summer is winding down, today is August 26th and the local public school (Monte Vista) had it's first day today. I have an overnight orientation on the 28-29 and then Labor day weekend, and the shit hits the fan; on the 2nd commences my junior year in highschool. It should be fun because now I can drive, I choose which classes I want, and I have two free period first semester. I thought it was funny that I was talking to this girl I know named Becky who took Stanford classes over the summer, and when I told her my 4 class schedule she said "you're gonna die." But my classes aren't that difficult. Biology, Advanced Chemisty, Calculus, and Dante's journey through Hell, Purgatory, and english class. So despite all the work this requires I'm looking forward to being active and seeing people again. The Monte Vista Ultimate Frisbee Club will start thriving again as people begin to show. Sadly, I won't be able to show up to games until October because of school soccer, but I really can't complain that I'm playing soccer. What I CAN complain about is the new school soccer coach. He makes us do about half an hour of Yoga at the beginning of each practice, and is trying to teach us soccer techniques we already know instead of doing intricate drills. ALso, we haven't played any actual soccer yet. THis man spent the whole first week telling us to train our diaphragms. He made us take a sip of water but not swallow it, so that we couldn't breath through our mouths, and then he made us jog laps around the field so that we could practice breathing through our noses. It's a little sad that he's a bad coach, because he's a nice guy and someone had to tip off the authorities eventually. Due to parental criticism, the athletics director spent half an hour with this coach this morning and practice seemed to have a little more emphasis on technique today. I hope this trend improves, and even though we'll still have this coach the team is very talented and will self-improve. We got 1st place in league last year.
So even though I describe these last few days as being idle, there's a lot going on. The fact that I lent my uncle my car for a few days so he can go to Carmel and visit his sister makes things a little difficult because I can't move around unless I get a ride. Supposedly I have a soccer practice for school in two hours, frisbee also starts in two hours, my friend invited me over to see Boondock Saints (supposedly a very good film) and I was invited to a BBQ at 1:00 (half an hour ago) which I told my friend I couldn't go to because I have soccer practice. Which I might now miss to go to frisbee. All because frisbee is the only thing close enough to walk to. But maybe I can get a ride to the BBQ after frisbee. Anyway, soon school begins and summer is over and that is the point, but I'm not scared.