Oct 08, 2008 00:12
Okay, honestly, I was going to do the jumping meme with a shiny poll and everything except. Uh. I never learned how to do the poll thing. And I'm sure it's exceedingly easy but Harley is asleep for the night, so I can't ask her.
SO ANYWAY! Here are my thoughts on the situation.
Jump any of my characters, any time, anywhere, unless it looks like something you should not get into. Use your discretion or ask if you're unsure!
With Mulan only, if I tag someone in a post but do not comment to the post as a whole, I'm generally not in the mood to thread with a whole bunch of people. But this means you should jump me anyway. I just reserve the right to say I'll pick it up later.
Aqualad will tend not jump you unless you're a Robin, one of his new friends, or running a post. He is scared of most things, and that may include you. Therefore you should talk to him, because he's lonely.
And if you want me to have someone jump you specifically, please tell me! I'd love to know. So, you know, instead of a poll you can comment or pm me or something!