Dec 15, 2005 20:43
I slept past the ringing mobile this morning, ignored six phonecalls. (3 from max, 3 from that crazy woman)
I made it to my one and only other class of the day being Physics. (Fysik)
I made it just as the class started from the bus, seeing as the bike is currently sick. Turns out we were doing a lab, and Sven the teacher had paired Pälle and I to cooperate with each other again. Ofcourse we gave the usual facade of "Fy fan, inte DEJ!" (Fuck, not you). The lab we did last week I'd also done with Pälle so ofcourse we rallied against Sven...
So Sven Landerrvik said "okej, nästa gång får ni jobba med någon annan" (Sure, next time you can work with someone else)
And I asked when the next lab would be. He said the 18th, or so. I said. "Jaha... då är detta min sista lab" (Aha. This is my last Lab). Ofcourse then our attitudes changed.
"Din sista lab, jag får dej för den sista gången!" (your last lab, I work with you for your last lab.. .) and "Jag vill inte att du åka hem anna, värför ska du åka härifrån? Du är fan dum om du lämna Sverige." (I don't want you to go home Anna, why are you going from here? You're fucking stupid if you leave sweden)
We were satisfied. Boring lab, but the distorted conversation made it worth it and got to play with spectroscopes. Pälle promised to come and visit us, if he can stay in my house, drink my alcohol. I agreed, on the condition that he brings an Elk.
Jag vill inte lämnar Sverige. Verkligen. Det livet som jag leva här kommer jag aldrig får igen. Även om jag kom och hälsa på....
Tuesday night I was at an imitation christmas with my first host family. We had traditional swedish Julbord, with pickled herring, Eel, meatballs, ham and a multitude of other dishes. There were presents and schnapps and songs. Totally swedish. I say Adjö to that family on saturday, perhaps I'll catch them again in some years. As the temperature descends so too does my time. And confusion drenches my every movement, I'm soaked in an essence of something I can't name. It leaves me rather emo and angsty. I can't wait to drown in your arms. Sentimental?
What's a year?