Everything I know, I learned from Irish Folk Music

Feb 03, 2009 09:38

\It's true, if you've ever wondered how I came to be and how I became the man I am today, it's all thanks to Irish Folk music. It teaches very valuable lessons such as:
  1. The only women you can trust is your mother or your wife, all other women are to be suspected of treachery of some sort. (Black Velvet Band/Whiskey In the Jar/The Celtic Weaver)
  2. Killing and thieving is fine as long as you do it in the name of the Irish Free State (Johnson's Motorcar/The Green Plowboy/Barret's Privateers)
  3. The IRA are invincible badasses (The Irish Soldier Song)
  4. Killing  Englishmen is a recreational activity (The Black and Tans)
  5. Everyone loves a cunning hobo or highwayman (The Little Beggerman/The Wild Colonial Boy/Willie Brennan)
  6. If you don't drink, smoke, and join the IRA by the age of 13 you are a pussy (The Holy Ground)
  7. Wandering around and living off the charity of others is an actual profession in Ireland (The Wild Rover)
This only a small selection of lessons imparted upon me by Irish Folk music, but I hope this gives you a view into my upbringing.

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