Jul 09, 2009 23:17
The Red Sox win the Golden Failbox for tonight. Up 4-0 at one point and then promptly fuck it all up. So that sucks. And now they're tied with the Yankees for the lead because the Yankees aren't planning on losing ever again. Mehh I'm pissed off but not really ripshit. Just not feeling the ripshit yet. But it's getting there. I think the ripshit will come out tomorrow if they lose. It's close to the All Star Break anyway adn it seems like this team could use a nice rest...and a bat. So in conclusion, losing sucks but it happens.
Meanwhile I just got a haircut and Caddyshack is on. Blazing Saddles will be on later on in the night. I gotta work tomorrow 12-4. I get the feeling this weekend is gonna piss me off. I think it's the Seaside Classic but I'm not 100% sure. But it's gonna be sunny all weekend (go fig) which means beach traffic up the ass. While I don't mind being busy at work, there's a certain point of busy to which I draw the line. Being busy from like 12:30pm until 4:30pm straight through is where I draw the line especially when I am scheduled to go home at 3. :P Anyways, I have nothing else of substance to add.
But on a lighter note, there was an funny yet mildly disturbing banter between Orsillo and Eck that involved ice cream and the Bee Gees. No, nothing like that. Ew. No. But it was just funny and one point caused me to actually throw my hands up in disbelief and walk away laughing.
the humanization of don orsillo,
postgame wrapup,
can we keep eck forever?,
losing still sucks,
red sox,
real life ish,
work ish