While I did have fun with
saxy_clarinet last night, there were a comedy of errors there also went along with it. Nearly left my keys in Chilis for one thing, I took the wrong exit on my way there (It wasn't that far off but still, it pissed me off), and the Red Sox lost because Wake sucked balls. Today was more of a subtle thing. You see,
saxy_clarinet was going to pop by to hang out for a while tonight but she's not feeling that good (stomach ache) which kinda sucks but hopefully she's a-OK come the weekday. Also work didn't entirely suck balls but it wasn't exactly anything I did cartwheels upon cartwheels over. Near the end sucked because they basically were like "Oh do this, this, this, and this" and then they did jack shit. And then like 4 peopel came in and they couldn't be bothered. Lame. So this weekend has kinda sucked for me. Hopefully it's not sucking in your neck of the woods. Oh and hte Red Sox lost today due to a rare suckness of Ramon Ramirez. Hopefully that's the last of the suck we'll see from Ram-squared in a while. I did listen to an adorable interview with him and Masterson whom are apparently teaching each other English and Spanish. That's adorable. So they're all biffle along with Sammy (Saito) at times. Yay adorableness!
So anyways, that's all for now. I really do not wanna work 5 days in a row ever again. 3-4 is fine but five is pushing it. But hey, I'll get moolah. I still have tomorrow to work (11-3) so there's that as well. Oh and I'll probably miss the first couple hours of tomorrow's game as well. I've been an awful fan lately. I need to cut the shit.