Hey all. Great game tonight. A nice pitcher's duel with Wake coming out on top. Minus the Angels, Wake is having a fantastic year. Bailey had a huge hit and Kottaras had a sac fly. It was more Wake's game though. 8 innings, 1 run and that only run was from a Millar HR -- good stuff. Also I really enjoyed the banter between Eck and Orsillo tonight. They seem really at ease and Orsillo was extra snarky. That makes me laugh. And because of those two, George Brett going off about the media's treatment of the Royals, and a whole bunch of other random shit;
saxy_clarinet and myself had an epic conversation of epic which started off as me laughing about dreaming about weird shit and then kind of evolved into this -- Which is deemed 2009 MLB...on Acid: The Musical. And here's the conversation. Just as a warning -- a LOT of crack.
PickledToaster03 (9:24:33 PM): now i'm gonna ahve a dream of College!George Brett in bad pants beating up a headstone w/ a pine tar caked bat, while Eck and Orsillo eat cheese
dodgersawx (9:24:41 PM): LMFAO
PickledToaster03 (9:25:59 PM): and bicker about basketball and sombreros
PickledToaster03 (9:26:10 PM): and JD Drew dances to "The Safety Dance" with his pants on fire
PickledToaster03 (9:26:22 PM): lol I didn't even notice how controadictory that looked
dodgersawx (9:26:26 PM): This is truly an epic dream
dodgersawx (9:26:28 PM): LMFAO yes it is
dodgersawx (9:26:34 PM): I think it needs to go from dream to reality
dodgersawx (9:26:36 PM): in the form of a musical
PickledToaster03 (9:27:02 PM): 2009 in Baseball.....on Acid: The Musical
dodgersawx (9:27:18 PM): Music and lyrics by Salad Johnson
PickledToaster03 (9:27:28 PM): Choreography by Gas Masterson
dodgersawx (9:27:58 PM): Produced by Walter G. Monster
PickledToaster03 (9:28:46 PM): of course Daniel Bard will be like Sonic the Hedgehog minus the douchiness running away fro Peter Gammons who is played by that Geico money with eyes
dodgersawx (9:29:04 PM): LMFAO
PickledToaster03 (9:29:17 PM): and Daniel Bard is played by Jon Heder
PickledToaster03 (9:29:23 PM): as Sonic the Hedgehog
dodgersawx (9:29:33 PM): Hahahahaha
PickledToaster03 (9:31:33 PM): Also Zack Greinke gets a solo song about how he learned to live with his inability to age(which was his crazy coming from) and learned how to channel that into pitching
dodgersawx (9:31:43 PM): Hahahaha
PickledToaster03 (9:32:19 PM): and the Dodgers talk about how Manny can't get pregnant and Andre Ethier wants to know how babby is formed and the Fresh Prince of Bel Air is not telling him
dodgersawx (9:32:35 PM): Which of course leads to a role for Alfonso Ribeiro
PickledToaster03 (9:33:12 PM): which he'd be forever thankful for.
dodgersawx (9:33:23 PM): Indeed
PickledToaster03 (9:34:26 PM): and somehow a dance contest on rollerskates is thrown in there
PickledToaster03 (9:35:03 PM): and a duet/musical number/fight occurs between Cito Gaston and Roger Clemens played by Samuel L. Jackson and a bag of shit
dodgersawx (9:35:12 PM): LMFAO
PickledToaster03 (9:35:20 PM): or maybe Douche Quadbike
PickledToaster03 (9:35:47 PM): /this youtube video of this guy who is like way too into this girl who dumped him TWO YEARS AGO so he makes a video
dodgersawx (9:35:56 PM): Creeeeeeepy
PickledToaster03 (9:35:58 PM): yeah
PickledToaster03 (9:36:33 PM): Oh and of course Natinals stuff. They'd have a group number about how much fail they are and how they're turning it into an art.
dodgersawx (9:36:55 PM): Who plays Lastings Milledge?
PickledToaster03 (9:37:18 PM): Lil Jon in one of those inflatable sumo suits
dodgersawx (9:37:23 PM): LOL
PickledToaster03 (9:38:11 PM): A-Rod will be featured for five seconds before he gets into a catfight with Paris Hilton for stealing her attention
PickledToaster03 (9:38:31 PM): and then they both get steamrolled by a mysterious man whom is later revealed to be Derek Jeter
PickledToaster03 (9:38:49 PM): the whole battle cry of "HOPES AND DREAMS" gave it away
dodgersawx (9:39:03 PM): "WHAT ARE YOUR HOPES, A-ROD?! HUH?! WHAT ARE YOUR DREAMS?!"
PickledToaster03 (9:39:12 PM): and he becomes a hero even to Red Sox fans
dodgersawx (9:39:23 PM): Tim McCarver sings a love song
PickledToaster03 (9:39:31 PM): and then is promptly handed a restraining order
PickledToaster03 (9:40:04 PM): and Joe Buck finally snaps, takes McCarver's toupee off his head and yells like Elaine in Seinfeld "I DO NOT LIKE THIS AND THIS IS WHAT I'M GONNA DO WITH IT!!" and then throw it out of the window
PickledToaster03 (9:41:03 PM): and Jason Bay ends up in a Baywatch one piece woman's bathing suit as he saves the lives of Ortiz, Lugo, Beckett, Lester, and everybody else whose sucked for the Red Sox this season
dodgersawx (9:41:44 PM): while Wake sits in a lifeguard chair and sings a melancholy ditty about how he don't get no respect
PickledToaster03 (9:43:12 PM): in a silver pimped out bedazzled jacket?
dodgersawx (9:43:39 PM): YES
dodgersawx (9:43:42 PM): The better to get a tan with
PickledToaster03 (9:43:44 PM): and the bullpen then takes to the sea and sing a chanty about kicking ass and taking names as they pillage team after team after team
PickledToaster03 (9:45:35 PM): with Papelbon in his 2007 AL East Clincher outfit, Manny Del dressed liek Milli Vanilli, Okajima just sitting back wondering what the fuck is going on, Ramon Ramirez probably in Papelbon's old Milli Vanilli outfit, Saito singing karaoke, and Masterson playing the drums.
dodgersawx (9:45:55 PM): LMFAO
PickledToaster03 (9:46:09 PM): and during some stops they get Sonic the Bard, Hunter Jones, and Javier Lopez somehow falls overboard and ends up back in Pawtucket
dodgersawx (9:46:35 PM): Except for Javier Lopez, who is lost at sea
dodgersawx (9:46:40 PM): and no one cares
PickledToaster03 (9:46:43 PM): lol pretty much
PickledToaster03 (9:47:50 PM): Lester is played by Link from the Legend of Zelda series whose tryign to act like a cowboy, Beckett is some cowboy with anger issues, Penny is played by the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, and Matsuzaka is dressed up like Ryo from the Street Fighter game
PickledToaster03 (9:48:09 PM): it's 2009 MLB on Acid: In Musical Form. Nothing is supposed to make sense!
dodgersawx (9:48:19 PM): Clearly!
PickledToaster03 (9:48:35 PM): it's like someone dropped some acid and wanted to come up with a big experimental musical film on baseball so they decided to do this
dodgersawx (9:48:40 PM): The fact that Brett wearing clown pants whacking a headstone with a pine-tarred bat is the most normal thing in the musical should say a lot about it
PickledToaster03 (9:48:55 PM): of course he's also talking about threatening to shit his pants
dodgersawx (9:49:06 PM): Oh yes
PickledToaster03 (9:49:32 PM): and Theo Epstein travels through time! (this is more of a running gag I had with a friend on 06 when a Rotoworld thing read that he signed someone who was DFA'd "next month")
dodgersawx (9:49:41 PM): LOL
PickledToaster03 (9:50:34 PM): and the Blue Jays sing a sad little ditty about not being noticed ever
PickledToaster03 (9:50:57 PM): until Aaron Hill comes back from his concussion and instills confidence in them all because that's what scrappy infielders do.
dodgersawx (9:51:10 PM): Obviously
PickledToaster03 (9:51:57 PM): And Youkilis gets hassled by Joba Chamberlain and Joe Morgan in some alleyway. Joe Morgan whines about how he represents everything that's wrong with baseball and Joba...well Joba just hates Youk.
PickledToaster03 (9:52:33 PM): But then we find out that Jacoby Ellsbury is an Animorph and can morph into a deer, a fox, and for some reason, Fox McCloud
dodgersawx (9:52:46 PM): Someone has to be Falco now for a love song
PickledToaster03 (9:52:53 PM): lol
PickledToaster03 (9:53:00 PM): Coco Crisp?
dodgersawx (9:53:05 PM): LOL
dodgersawx (9:53:14 PM): Someone can be Krystal just so Falco can kill her mid-song
PickledToaster03 (9:53:27 PM): LOL I vote Josh Beckett for Krystal!
PickledToaster03 (9:53:32 PM): just because he's been pissing me off lately
PickledToaster03 (9:53:35 PM): maye A-Rod can be Krystal
PickledToaster03 (9:54:34 PM): Nahh Coco would be a good Peppy telling Jacoby to do a barrell roll after making a catch
dodgersawx (9:54:41 PM): LL
dodgersawx (9:54:46 PM): *LOL
PickledToaster03 (9:55:19 PM): JD Drew somehow morphs into Falco on a full moon
PickledToaster03 (9:55:30 PM): when his patns aren't on fire
dodgersawx (9:55:34 PM): This is before or after the Safety Dance?
PickledToaster03 (9:55:51 PM): IN between sinc ehe does it a few times
PickledToaster03 (9:55:58 PM): his pants burst into flames whenever that song comes on
dodgersawx (9:56:00 PM): LOL
PickledToaster03 (9:56:57 PM): then Beckett is somehow Krystal and is all like "I SEE A HIT COMING" "Yeah he just put the ball through the infield you idiot"
PickledToaster03 (9:57:23 PM): wait no...Pedroia is Falco
PickledToaster03 (9:58:01 PM): Because the homegrown guys are somehow Animorphs
PickledToaster03 (9:58:04 PM): or Video Game Morphs
dodgersawx (9:58:08 PM): Hahahaha
PickledToaster03 (9:58:09 PM): ins ome cases
PickledToaster03 (9:58:32 PM): and peopel wonder why I don't take drugs
PickledToaster03 (9:58:41 PM): My brain already comes up with crazy shit
dodgersawx (9:58:43 PM): Exactly
PickledToaster03 (9:59:09 PM): And Eck and Orsillo are basically the narrators of teh entire music in between their bantering
dodgersawx (9:59:21 PM): Yes
PickledToaster03 (10:00:36 PM): They don't sing though....it's court ordered that they don't sing ever since Eck tried to on TBS and made Cal Ripken go deaf
dodgersawx (10:00:45 PM): LOL
PickledToaster03 (10:02:30 PM): lol yeah this whoel convo is going on my LJ as soon as I run out of ideas
dodgersawx (10:02:42 PM): LMFAO
PickledToaster03 (10:02:56 PM): oh and George Kottaras will sing "Let's Go To the Mall" at any mall near Boston
PickledToaster03 (10:03:04 PM): and somehow end up in 80's garb
dodgersawx (10:03:17 PM): He follows Wake around and Wake's just like "shut up"
PickledToaster03 (10:03:41 PM): while butterflies fly out of Wake's hands
dodgersawx (10:03:52 PM): Of course
PickledToaster03 (10:05:57 PM): Then there's a song called "Shortstop Shuffle" where Lowrie talks about how it sucks to be on the DL, Lugo sings about how much he sucks at fielding (there'll be a chorus basically that says "FAIL" repeatedly), and Nick Green is happy about getting playing time
PickledToaster03 (10:07:34 PM): and Nomar cackles from Oakland about how he cursed the position and Orlando Cabrera then comes into the fray and Nomar then talks about how he crused him and then Nomar injures his groin
dodgersawx (10:07:55 PM): He has to injure his groin doing something mundane
dodgersawx (10:07:58 PM): like slicing carrots
PickledToaster03 (10:08:00 PM): lol
PickledToaster03 (10:08:57 PM): And there's some sort of song about Albert Pujols being tired of people making fun of his last name
dodgersawx (10:09:14 PM): With an interjection from George Brett
dodgersawx (10:09:25 PM): "You want to hear about pooing? Let me tell you!"
PickledToaster03 (10:09:28 PM): of course Brett does a little rap!
PickledToaster03 (10:10:00 PM): and then Pujols is visited by Dick Pole, Rusty Kuntz, and Randy Johnson and are like "Dude be lucky it's only your last name"
PickledToaster03 (10:10:45 PM): then there's a number about how Joe Maddon got drunk and wrote out the next day's lineup card and put four people on third base and the rest at left field
dodgersawx (10:11:01 PM): "Oops! I Did It Again"
PickledToaster03 (10:11:05 PM): and they STILL won because they faced the Natinals
dodgersawx (10:11:23 PM): Who forgot to submit any defense
PickledToaster03 (10:11:27 PM): pretty much
PickledToaster03 (10:11:32 PM): and Kazmir hit 7 homeruns
dodgersawx (10:11:41 PM): Off Elijah Dukes
PickledToaster03 (10:11:52 PM): 6 of them inside the park
PickledToaster03 (10:12:01 PM): because Lastings Milledge fell asleep in the outfield
PickledToaster03 (10:12:16 PM): and Ryan Zimmerman cries himself to sleep singing about why he is stuck in the hellhole he's in
PickledToaster03 (10:12:34 PM): then Julian Tavarez quits baseball to fulfill his dream of becoming a porn star
PickledToaster03 (10:12:43 PM): and everybody throws up
dodgersawx (10:12:52 PM): End of Act I
PickledToaster03 (10:13:15 PM): it'll be a hit I tell ya
dodgersawx (10:13:20 PM): How can it not be?!
PickledToaster03 (10:14:19 PM): And Dave Roberts talks positively about everybody until someone insults Jacoby Ellsbury
PickledToaster03 (10:14:31 PM): and he becomes pissed
dodgersawx (10:15:02 PM): And he turns into Pigma
PickledToaster03 (10:15:05 PM): lol
PickledToaster03 (10:15:20 PM): until he gets an exorcism by Justin Masterson
PickledToaster03 (10:15:35 PM): who is riding a Yoshi
PickledToaster03 (10:15:44 PM): and dressed like a girl with agreen hat on...because apparently he's Luigi
dodgersawx (10:16:20 PM): Someone has to be
PickledToaster03 (10:16:30 PM): and the Yoshi is actually Jed Lowrie who got cursed into becoming a Yoshi by Nomar
PickledToaster03 (10:17:17 PM): and Kevin Millar is Wario
dodgersawx (10:17:24 PM): Clearly
PickledToaster03 (10:17:39 PM): who sings a song longing for Boston where his heart lies
PickledToaster03 (10:17:51 PM): seriously, the city stole his heart and are keeping it in a mason jar at City Hall
dodgersawx (10:18:02 PM): Then Wake comes through and he's all "You shut up too"
PickledToaster03 (10:18:26 PM): probably trades the heart for Millar's larynx
dodgersawx (10:18:37 PM): That works
PickledToaster03 (10:18:51 PM): Wake is the only normal one
PickledToaster03 (10:19:08 PM): he just sorta walks around and observes the craziness and breaks the fourth wall every so often
PickledToaster03 (10:20:13 PM): Because you ned a few normal guys
PickledToaster03 (10:20:22 PM): and Tito makes fun of everybody and Lowell misses Alex Cora
dodgersawx (10:20:26 PM): Awwww
dodgersawx (10:20:29 PM): More sappy music!
PickledToaster03 (10:20:57 PM): Tito interrupts Lowell's big number and is like "Hey, you sing like a cat getting its nuts cut off -- stop it before you scar us all for life"
dodgersawx (10:21:03 PM): LOL
PickledToaster03 (10:21:42 PM): Meanwhile in New York, Alex is feeling the same and wants to return to Boston bt is afraid that Jerry Remy may try to hit on him again
PickledToaster03 (10:22:08 PM): and for some reason he's dressed like a schoolboy with a Mets hat on
PickledToaster03 (10:22:33 PM): and David Wright is pretty like a girl while Johan Santana wonders what the fuck is wrong with everything
PickledToaster03 (10:22:40 PM): because he's oen of the sane ones too
dodgersawx (10:22:55 PM): Yes
PickledToaster03 (10:23:28 PM): and Mark Prior and Kerry Wood get injured playing patty cake
dodgersawx (10:23:45 PM): LMFAO
PickledToaster03 (10:23:58 PM): "Patty cake patty cake, Baker's --- OWWW MY COCCYX"
dodgersawx (10:24:08 PM): ROFL
PickledToaster03 (10:24:13 PM): and Nomar hurts his groin in sympathy pain
dodgersawx (10:24:19 PM): Yes
PickledToaster03 (10:24:26 PM): while slicing carrots of course
dodgersawx (10:24:32 PM): Of course
PickledToaster03 (10:25:16 PM): and Eck chimes in with "Ooo that's gotta hurt" "and Orsillo then says "at least he wasn't cutting cheese"
dodgersawx (10:25:26 PM): And then they both giggle
dodgersawx (10:25:34 PM): It's like a triple entendre
PickledToaster03 (10:25:39 PM): totally is
PickledToaster03 (10:26:20 PM): And David Ortiz is on a quest to find his Talent
PickledToaster03 (10:26:28 PM): because he somehow lost it somewher ein Florida
PickledToaster03 (10:27:14 PM): which is why Kotsay, Dice, Youk, Jed the Yoshi, and at one point Lugo were on the DL. They're on a hunt to find his talent
PickledToaster03 (10:27:26 PM): and they sing excavating songs of excavating.
PickledToaster03 (10:27:34 PM): which sound like the Indiana jones theme with lame lyrics
dodgersawx (10:28:01 PM): LOL
PickledToaster03 (10:28:02 PM): and Time Traveling Theo Epstein feels like he messed something up in 2005 with Ortiz when he traveled back to try to right the ship on the whole Cabrera situation.
PickledToaster03 (10:28:16 PM): and he had to go fight 2005 Nomar in a duel
PickledToaster03 (10:28:24 PM): so that NOmar can stop cursing the shortstops
PickledToaster03 (10:28:35 PM): which is also why Nomar's groin hurts himat random times
PickledToaster03 (10:28:38 PM): it's because of Theo
dodgersawx (10:28:55 PM): Of course
dodgersawx (10:29:02 PM): Or Dougie
PickledToaster03 (10:30:11 PM): that too
PickledToaster03 (10:30:47 PM): and Dougie pops in randomly to say that he's better than Kottaras while selling some real estate and eating chicken parm
PickledToaster03 (10:31:02 PM): with teh occasional Puu Puu Platter (insert George Brett apperance here)
dodgersawx (10:31:13 PM): "Hey, pickle smoker, want to buy some nice waterfront property in Michigan?"
dodgersawx (10:31:20 PM): "I'LL TELL YOU ABOUT PUU PUU"
PickledToaster03 (10:31:32 PM): that's his catchphrase
dodgersawx (10:31:37 PM): Of course
PickledToaster03 (10:31:59 PM): then he farts on Derek Lowe and George Brett laughs
PickledToaster03 (10:32:05 PM): then Brett and Dougie become biffles
dodgersawx (10:32:07 PM): "Let me try!"
dodgersawx (10:32:23 PM): Can a musical have a sitcom spinoff?
PickledToaster03 (10:32:29 PM): I think it can
dodgersawx (10:32:35 PM): Because that's totally the best show ever
PickledToaster03 (10:32:58 PM): There's many spinoffs that can be built from this of course
PickledToaster03 (10:33:14 PM): Oh and Lugo is Toad
PickledToaster03 (10:33:25 PM): and Nick Green is Peach
dodgersawx (10:33:30 PM): Short, whiny, a forest dweller...yes, yes, Lugo has to be Toad
PickledToaster03 (10:33:44 PM): it's eitehr that or Slippy but I like the Mario theme with shortstops
dodgersawx (10:33:51 PM): Yes
PickledToaster03 (10:33:55 PM): outfielders are Star Fox characters
PickledToaster03 (10:34:00 PM): except for Krystal
dodgersawx (10:34:10 PM): Who is Beckett/Pedey/did we decide?
PickledToaster03 (10:34:27 PM): I think Beckett is Krystal. Pedie may or may not be Falco, I havne't decided
dodgersawx (10:34:48 PM): LMFAO
PickledToaster03 (10:34:50 PM): I guess Star Fox can go all around
dodgersawx (10:34:56 PM): I'm listening to the Dodgers game and Vin just mentioned George Brett
PickledToaster03 (10:35:00 PM): OH DEAR GOD
PickledToaster03 (10:35:13 PM): I LOL'd
PickledToaster03 (10:36:21 PM): Juan Pierre does a number about how he's misunderstood
dodgersawx (10:36:35 PM): Bill Plaschke and Ned Colletti are his backup singers
PickledToaster03 (10:37:15 PM): and the Billy Beane then chimes in about MONEYBALLLLLLL
PickledToaster03 (10:37:24 PM): which is some thrash metal number
PickledToaster03 (10:37:40 PM): And hte Oakland A's all become goths
PickledToaster03 (10:38:12 PM): Every team has at least one sane guy so the sane guy for Oakland is uhhhh....Matt Holliday?
dodgersawx (10:38:44 PM): ....
dodgersawx (10:38:51 PM): Wow, slim pickings on that team
PickledToaster03 (10:39:05 PM): yeah...though there's also the idea of the pitching staff like being members of Menudo
dodgersawx (10:39:12 PM): ROFL
PickledToaster03 (10:39:15 PM): I like that one better
PickledToaster03 (10:39:23 PM): once they hit puberty, they're out
PickledToaster03 (10:39:35 PM): so fo course, they all try to lie about their ages to Beane
PickledToaster03 (10:39:49 PM): because Moneyball is secretly a Boy Band industry for baseball fans
PickledToaster03 (10:40:04 PM): it's just called that and they spout all this SABR stuff to throw off Selig
dodgersawx (10:40:08 PM): LOL
PickledToaster03 (10:40:09 PM): who is secretly a vampire
dodgersawx (10:40:15 PM): LMFAO
PickledToaster03 (10:40:21 PM): a used car salesman vampire
dodgersawx (10:40:32 PM): Aren't they all?
PickledToaster03 (10:40:35 PM): true
PickledToaster03 (10:40:50 PM): And Scott Boras is a pimp
PickledToaster03 (10:40:59 PM): the bad kind of pimp
PickledToaster03 (10:41:07 PM): he treates his hoes (clients) bad and makes them take drugs
dodgersawx (10:41:16 PM): HCG
PickledToaster03 (10:41:21 PM): pretty much
PickledToaster03 (10:41:30 PM): though Manny took it because he wanted to see how babby is formed
PickledToaster03 (10:41:41 PM): it was a bet between him and Ethier after watching the Fresh Prince with baby Nicky
dodgersawx (10:41:53 PM): LOL
PickledToaster03 (10:42:01 PM): and Boras was all like "If you take this stuff you can have your...babby...."
dodgersawx (10:42:19 PM): Manny's like "k u wan play spies"
PickledToaster03 (10:42:56 PM): lol. And Mike Timlin lives in the mountains and kills wildebeests with his teeth
PickledToaster03 (10:43:08 PM): and is played by Ted Nugent
dodgersawx (10:43:50 PM): And for some reason his theme song is "Hair of the Dog"
PickledToaster03 (10:44:15 PM): he ends up finding Ortiz' talent in the stomach of some mountain lion which seemed to have gotten it laced in a steak treat that was given to him by the Twins GM Terry Ryan who was suck of Ortiz making him look bd
PickledToaster03 (10:44:27 PM): and that mountain lion was one of Scott Boras' hoes
PickledToaster03 (10:44:57 PM): so it is basically.....uhh.....name a Boras client on roids
PickledToaster03 (10:45:02 PM): because it's them turned into a mountain lion
dodgersawx (10:45:21 PM): A-Rod? Tek?
dodgersawx (10:45:29 PM): If Tek were on 'roids I'd LOL
PickledToaster03 (10:45:49 PM): nahh not Tek. Tek is too busy whining about everything and people trying not to laugh at his speaking voice
PickledToaster03 (10:46:12 PM): Johnny damon
dodgersawx (10:46:15 PM): That works
PickledToaster03 (10:48:16 PM): So basically Timlin is wrestling the mountain lion and then gets help from Kyle Farnsworth
PickledToaster03 (10:48:42 PM): Who hid up in the mountains to get away from PECOTA wo won't leave him alone
dodgersawx (10:49:06 PM): Farnsy don't wanna eat his crusts
PickledToaster03 (10:50:00 PM): and so they hold down the mountain lion, give it a Heimlich and get Ortiz' talent back before letting it go. Timlin doesn't fuck with Mountain lions
dodgersawx (10:50:20 PM): Nope
PickledToaster03 (10:51:09 PM): and Farnsworth wants to be paid back for it and tries to take the talent but Timlin sounds a whistle that brings on PECOTA and Timlin then somehow magically flies to Fenway to bring it back. And he gets treated to a song of Thanks.
PickledToaster03 (10:51:15 PM): and then Timlin randomly transforms into Wolf O'Donnell
dodgersawx (10:51:29 PM): LOL
PickledToaster03 (10:52:03 PM): Then Ortiz gets his mojo back and him adn Tito go on a tour of Vaudeville Revival
PickledToaster03 (10:53:16 PM): and like everything else, this is always to be continued
PickledToaster03 (10:53:22 PM): at least until the season ends
dodgersawx (10:53:34 PM): Because that's how Baseball on Acid works!
Just thought I'd share the lulz