The Odyssey That Was Tonight....Also Angry Mike Lowell is Hot

Jul 25, 2008 22:42

Tonight was not a very good night for me. I decided to go and drive around to listen to the ballgame with my friend. I was gonna maybe meet up with that double date guy for some improper things but that wasn't going to happen since 1) Friend didn't wanna go and 2) It was too late when he called. And then my friend and I had this exchange around 10pm after the last out(don't worry I'll get to ballgame stuff in a few)

Me: You ready to head home yet?
Friend: Not yet...still wanna hang out. But it IS up to you.
Me: I guess

Just then I see the traffic light as it's right at yellow as I'm approaching the line. So I decide liek all RIers do to speed up so I don't end up stuck in the middle of the road when it hits red...well I also forget that it's the end of the month. End of the month translate into "Young rookie cops are trying to meet quota so they find the littlest thing to pull you over for" and so just as we're debating suddenly I see sirens and I'm all "Ahhhh fuck!" So I get pulled over. Cop comes over, he's wicked cute for one thing(but married) and I give him license and registration. He asks for my name and birthday and stuff, because I think he thought that I was drunk since you know "Young girl driving around and runs a red light on a Friday night = drunk" to them. I was a little flustered but not that bad. So anyways cop asks me questions, I get them right and stuff, he runs my info and I get off with a warning. He was really cool about it though. I did explain my situation a little bit and he just said simply "I understand that, just next time it's usually better to stop" and I was all like "Okay" so yeah. That wasn't fun...that also put an end to my night as well. And of course he had to pull me over as I'm going down this stupid hill by the tower. Laaaaame. But mehh he was nice and I got off with a warning so no real complaints here.

And to top it off, the Red Sox lost 1-0 to the Yankees. I wanna punch Joba in the face repeatedly for his crap he was pulling AGAIN vs Youkilis. Geez get over it Joba. Stop with the bullshitting. And had Josh not been pulled believe you me, there would've been retaliation. The bullpen did good, Josh did good just one run. And some of that can be blamed on Marty Foster for his really really really really really really really really shitty strike zone. This brings me to the one bright spot of today -- Mike Lowell going apeshit on the umpire. Ho-lee fuck was he fired up and pissed. I mean Mike Lowell was fucking RIPSHIT and went OFF on that fucker. That was epic. Only thing that could top that is JD Drew and that's really it. Lowell was going to off that fucker. Joba did pitch a hell of a game, but I don't give a shit. He got a lot of help from Marty Foster's giant strike zone...I dunno but it was just a whole crock of shit tonight. I'm kinda hoping this weekend goes by a lot better.

red sox, boredom, postgame wrapup, mikelol, real life ish, angry mike lowell is hot, rarrr, lollerskates, losing still sucks, boourns, blehhh, random, baseball

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