Today's Installment of "As the Hot Stove Boils..." *dramatic organ music*

Nov 16, 2007 14:26

I'm in another lazy ass mood. But here's a brief synopsis of "As the Hot Stove Boils". It's like a soap opera minus the truth.

*Last we checked on Mike Lowell he had a difficult decision to make. Basically the Yankees have oferred him 4 years and somewhere around 50-55 million but there's one catch which is playing 1B. However, the Yankees have denied this and they are saying they're more comfortable w/ a platoon of Shelley Duncan/Andy Phillips/Jason Giambi/whothefuckeverelse manning 1B. Also, it would prove that the only reason they did that was to spite the Red Sox. The Red Sox still have their 3 year offer on the table, but the money has likely been upped to 45 mil. And also he will be able to play 1B. So the Red Sox' offer is still on the table. However, nothing may be resolved until the Miguel Cabrera stuff is conclusioned.

*The Angels and Dodgers are in the hunt for Miguel Cabrera. My money goes on the Dodgers here because they have better youngsters and also the Angels are almost always hesitant to trade their youngins. Everytime there comes a chance for them to get something good even if the good thing is 24 years old, they get all hesitant with their prospects. I'm not sure about the Dodgers though. One thing is certain: Cabrera could eat his way out of 3B given that his weight and already shitty fielding at 3B are a cause for concern. Then again, weight doesn't always equal diminished skills. Just look at Prince Fielder.

*Some signings have been reported like the Yankees re-signing Jose Molina, the Mets re-signing Ramon Castro, the Mets signing Yorvit Torrealba (at least I think they have), the Marlins pursuing most likely Michael Barrett or Paul Lo Duca. We're not sure what will happen but regardless, the minor signings sometimes have the biggest impact on season and forever more. Just ask David Ortiz. :)

*Derek Jeter is in trouble with the tax man...let's say it all together because everybody knows this nickname has been coming from a mile away. "Captain Untaxables" which actually may be something I may hafta call him during the season. Yes I know everybody cheats on their taxes, I just find it hilarious nonetheless. :P Lemme have my goofy nicknames and moments of laughing! Okay? Okay. Jeter needs to get his tax stuff settled...he's gonna be a wreck during the next 10 seasons or so with A-Rod on his ass constantly *oh snap*

*A-Rod is gonna be a Yankee for probably the next 10 years. Half of me wishes he went to Japan while the other half is amused by this news. Mostly because it's all like that couple taht breaks up and makes up with a drop of a hat. This should be a nice dysfunctional relationship to watch for years to come. I almost feel bad for Joe Girardi and some of the other guys on the Yankees with A-Rod and the Steinbrenner brothers...yeah they'll end up GMing themselves eventually, believe you me.

*And finally, in the realm of "He gon' get it!" which is Barry Bonds being indicted for perjury and obstruction of justice. He could face about 30 or so years in prison where he will be someone's bitch, at least if the justice system decides to make it be that way. Because, you know, he could somehow find a way to get out of the prison time. You know given everything. But still...justice is gonna be served with a side of awesome and a dessert of fuck yeah! and it will be the most fabulous meal ever. Oh and he wont be playing ball ever again! :D So that is awesome.

That is all for now...stay tuned for the next episode of "As the Hot Stove Boils" in which anything can happen *dramatic organ music* Take care now

i love baseball, trades/signings, offseason sucks, rarrr!, yankees suck pretty bad, rumors, newsage, mikelol, offseason fodder, lollerskates, random, baseball, red sox, boredom, hot stove goodness, mlb, heeee

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