Sep 14, 2007 23:15
Well I know what the fucking statement is for this series: We can't beat the fucking Yankees when it counts because we're too afraid of their goddamn fucking mystique and aura. YOU GUYS CALL YOURSELF BASEBALL PLAYERS?! WHAT IN THE FUCKING FUCK IS THIS BULLSHIT! THIS IS NOT FUCKING BASEBALL! THIS IS FUCKING PUSSY ASS FUCKING GODDAMN TAIL BETWEEN YOUR LEGS CHEESE EATING SURRENDER MONKEY BULLSHIT! You had a goddamn 7-2 lead to protect. 7-2. That should be nothing. But noooo you even somehow seem to fuck THAT ONE UP. Yes I knwo it was all Okajima and Papelbon who did this, and you know what? I probably shouldn't be so angry at them, but I don't care. I'm really fucking sick of this. They're playing liek 2006 when basically they were so afraid to anger the Yankees that they just took it up the ass for five straight fucking games. God I thought this fucking team wasn't like that. I thought they actually had a fucking pair and I thought that they could actually you know, WIN IMPORTANT FUCKING GAMES AGAINST THE YANKEES! But apparently I was mistaken. Kinda heartbreaking really.
This was a statement series. This was a series for everybody to fucking sack up and prove themselves to be worthy of the competition with the Yankees. This was to prove to the fans that they can fucking beat the Yankees when it matters. But apparently the message they're sending isn't what we wanted. Their message is: Walk right the fuck on over us because we're just gonna be your fucking doormat to the World Series that you basically fucking sold your souls to the devil for. They can't do it. Even when they get a great effort from Daisuke they can't do it...It sucks. It really really sucks. God forbid they actually even show a pulse against them in late season games. And now I get to get a whole ration of shit from the Yankee fans I work with and honestly, I just can't take this. I'd rather just go to bed and hear about it in the morning than watch it again...but knowing me I'll stay up and get the ears and eyes from my friends.
I guess the Red Sox really can't ever win anything from the hands of the Yankees. 2004 was just a fluke, I guess. Mehh it was a fun thought while it lasted. I don't care if there's a big lead, it's gonna dwindle down because this is hte kind of loss that can tailspin a team. And yes i'm calling it a loss now because the next three guys in the order are fucking JD Drew, Jason Varitek, and Bobby Kielty. Yeah that's a VERY scary threesome. *rolls eyes* JD Drew has been sucktastic, Jason Varitek is in love with the high heat, and Kielty....well I really don't trust him at all against righties. To top it all off they got Gagne coming onto the mound now. Yeah if that's not a white flag, I dunno what is. If they win here, it'd be very galvanizing and all, but I just don't see it happening. I just don't.
Thanks Red Sox...thanks just broke my spirit. Good luck trying to get it back. It's gonna take a miracle. Just about as much as a miracle it's gonna take for me to not want to bite someone's head off.
in game posting,
red sox,
fuck this shit,