Of Pregames and Tavarez' Mancrush

May 02, 2007 12:17

Another day, another dollar, and another game. Red Sox take on the A's to close off their two game set. It'd be nice to see them take this second one. Beckett is pitching up against Chad Gaudin. 6-0? I would like that very very much. Though I'll miss the usual half of the game due to it being karaoke night. And dude, I don't miss my karaoke nights, kay?

Tomorrow I'm going to Fenway and I have decided that I am buying an Alex Cora tee and I don't give a shit on how much grief I get from my sister. Cora is mah boy! Anyways, in news of other things. There's a nice article from the Union Leader about Tavarez and his crush on Matsuzaka communication with the Japanese pitchers. It's pretty cute and of course there are some Mike Lowell witty gems in there too.

The enthusiasm of Tavarez in those exchanges is undeniable, even comical at times. The right-hander often appears more active than a sumo wrestler when punctuating his conversations with exaggerated body language.

"(Tavarez) was calling (Matsuzaka) over and saying all this stuff. I told him, 'I know you don't know Japanese,' " chuckled Mike Lowell. "Pitchers are weird, man. They've got a lot of time on their hands. (Tavarez) only pitches once every five days, so he has time to learn Japanese."

I wonder if A-Rod will probably get a pissy about Tavarez messing up his groove through Matsuzaka....and I think this part is adorable.

On April 20, Tavarez appeared to be shadow wrestling while encouraging Matsuzaka to throw inside against Alex Rodriguez. Two nights later, the Sox starter drilled the Yankees slugger with an inside fastball in the first inning, then fanned A-Rod in his next two plate appearances.

"After the game, (Matsuzaka) said, 'Whatever it takes to win, I did it,'" Tavarez noted with nearly parental pride. "I said, 'Yes you did, and it changed his at-bats. You pitched in and it changed his game.' "

And also Matsuzaka is supposedly trying to teach Tavarez the cutter as well. Oh Tavarez, you silly goose.

red sox, boredom, mikelol, tra la laaa, mlb, batshit insane, hide your children it's julian tavarez, wednesday night follies, random, baseball, pregame

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