Apr 20, 2011 04:04
- 00:42:29: Still have water in my ear....still sucks ass
- 02:16:50: Your empathy can be one of your greatest strengths; however, i... More for Pisces http://twittascope.com/?sign=12
- 14:46:10: I got another giant pack o' baseball cards...got soem sweet cards in here...anybody want any good ones (I'll send this time I swear!)
- 17:47:12: hooray I'm now 90% unclogged!
- 17:49:17: @ saribel93 Feliz Birthday! (I'd do the proper word for it but w/o the tilde, I'm aware it'd translate indirectly to "Many anuses")
- 17:49:46: @ NiemiSaidNo my right ear was completely clogged since last night
- 17:52:26: @ NiemiSaidNo My ears get a lot of wax for some reason. It can get pretty rough cuz I try my hardest not to use Q-Tips
- 18:56:02: Random Question: For a TV show, how many seasons would make an ideal run for a series? I say 7 or 5 at least. What about you guys?
- 19:02:26: @ cornerinfielder I'd normally say 5 but I think it sometimes takes a season or two to get a loyal following and you want one wrapup season
- 23:17:09: Geez Lackey actually does well and this is what he gets? No wonder he sucks so much, at least he gets run support then...
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