12:14:07: RT @OldHossRadbourn: "Frank Sinatra Has a Cold" -- that was a hell of an article. But Talese stole it from a story on me -- "Old Hoss Ra ...
13:33:41: @ maggiesox Totally agreed there. Though I still don't really care for that song in particular.
14:31:31: Looks like Jason Bay is stuck with the Mets...poor dude
15:08:42: @ MHCranberry He'll find a way to break something...he'll strain his groin signing the contract
15:11:17: It's so cold outside that my puppy refuses to go outside to pee...she's taken to peeing in the den :(
18:05:47: RT @AmyKNelson: so @ msgtina still coming thru w/ bb tip! RT @jcrasnick Tina Cervasio Tweets she saw Jim Thome in Det 2day..could this me ...
18:06:48: Not huge on the Beatles and this song pisses me off, but still impressive http://bit.ly/7hu8q9 makes me almost like it
18:07:16: Also for teh lulz -- I LOVE that Canada is at a hockey rink
18:13:11: @ Texas_Gal I feel bad for Bay. You know he REALLY didn't wanna be on the Mets...but they were the only ones offering what his agent told him
22:35:02: LOL I don't care about all yall but I gotta go with the homeland...well half of it lol GO SWEDEN!
22:41:26: @ fungojob I'd be cool w/ Canada as well (slight French Canadian in my ancestry....all it explains is my hair)
23:13:49: @ fungojob also I love the Canadian National Anthem (I love teh US one but it's kinda wordy)