(no subject)

Jul 19, 2006 08:10

1. I am completely healthy.
2. My future hopefully will include an office building and pant-suits. I want to live the American dream!
3. Art is dumb.
4. I am such a carnivore; pigs, cows, lamb, elk, chickens, turkeys, fish...no one is safe as I turn the world and all it's non-human inhabitants into my own personal pantry because, you know, humans are superior to every other living thing in every single way and it doesnt matter if I, say, confine veal calves in crates measuring two feet wide and restrain their movement with chains around their necks so that their meat is more "tender". Because cows don't have any feelings, and whatever emotions they can feel and the quality of their short lives are obviously so insignificant and clearly don't take precedence over my unnecessary desire to consume their flesh. And it doesnt matter if I turn female pigs into nothing more than breeding machines, and keep them in cages not large enough to enable them to turn around while they're pregnate, and don't provide them with any sort of bedding and simply ignore the resultant sores on their shoulders and knees, and keep them in a constant state of pregnancy until they are 3 or 4 and then send them on their way to the slaughterhouse. Because, you know, it's my god-given right as an omnivore to do so. It's natural for humans to consume meat, so clearly it's natural to enslave millions of animals, and torture them daily, and make it so the only life they ever come to know is one within the confines of a slaughterhouse. I love living in a world where that is considered natural! NATURAL.

Oh and vegans are dumb because its not like the dairy industry can at all be considered cruel, I mean it's not like they artificially inseminate dairy cows every year and are forced to be in a constant state of pregnancy, which is not at all like the pregnancy of humans...not at all, and its not like dairy cows are given growth hormones causing their udders to become unnaturally...I mean naturally big and heavy, not at all resulting in frequent infections. The average modern dairy cow will produce about 100 pounds of milk per day, which is (not) 10 times more than it would naturally produce. See!?!?!? ITS SO NATURAL. HUMANS ARE CLEARLY JUST BEING NATURAL OMNIVORES. It's the way God intended it (because you know, that's not an idiotic statement at all).

Oh wait! I dont care about any of this shit, cause I'm not the one actually slitting the throat of the still living cow, I'm not the one genetically altering and injecting chemicals into chickens so that they are so fat they can't stand, I'm not the one throwing sometimes-still-living pigs into the SCALDING tanks to soften their skin and hair, and I'm not the one hanging turkeys by their feet still conscious on a moving rail. So I don't give a shit! Cause as long as I can enjoy the benefits of a meat-filled diet (mmmmmmmmm horrendously suffering animals) I don't care where it comes from. And hey! If there is no changing the way things are, whats wrong with continuing to support a blinding atrocity? And, anyway, humans ARE superior so I can do whatever the fuck I want to anything in this world.

SEE?!?! Slaughterhouses are just an example of humans naturally adhering to the foodchain! Those two photos are practically the same! I feel no emotion looking upon those two photos, I love the human race, I love apathetic herbivores, and my hands are not shaking right now. I completely understand why any human with knowledge of all these happenings would continue to eat meat. And I can totally understand if someone is willing to look the other way because they like the tase of chicken, they LIKE THE TASTE OF CHICKEN: at what cost? what fucking cost? Because clearly a partiality to the taste of beef is all the justification needed to treat cows the way slaughterhouses do. Theres no changing that, so why the hell not join in. Oh wait! You eat free-range meat? Good for you, because that's so much more humane...I mean, an overwhelmingly majority of the time they're still kept inside, packed together (oh wait thats true...), but at least they're not in cages!

And I totally give a shit if I've offended anyone. And I would totally respect and take serious anyone who would try to argue with me.

Because it all comes down to the simple fact that you don't care. There is no justifying it on intellectual or moral grounds. You just don't fucking care. Good for you. Apathy concerning the absolutely disgusting way living, breathing, feeling beings are treated their entire lives is such a fanstastic way to live. I do accept that to change this abominable practice would be a massive task, but at least I personally don't have to take part in it. It may continue until the Earth is utterly destroyed, but at least I am not accountable for its perpetuation, which everyone who eats meat is, no matter how insignificant you think you are. oh wait, that was all true.

5. I loooooooooooooooooove willful ignorance, and just plain cruelty.

Tag: Meredith Gallagher, Meg Conley, Dave Holland, Kim Gaughan, and Wil Branton.
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