I wish I was an alcoholic

Dec 24, 2010 08:37

Sometimes I feel like when we were born we were also handed a role we would have to play in society.

Apparently my job is being a bitch.

Sometimes I say rude things to get a reaction, but most of the time I say rude things because I dislike some part of the other person at the moment. It never sticks but when people get super offended or just can't take it....I would say I find that even more annoying. Because what I say is just a matter of my opinion. In no way does me saying it make it a fact unless for some reason society is holding me in some sort if higher regard and they just didn't inform me because if what I say is fact then I need to go tell my boss I need a raise.

I feel as if a lot of aggravation has built up recently, some towards myself for not having any art job whatsoever now that i got screwed by the guy I was free lancing for, though to show what a nice person I am instead of taking him to small claims court over the holidays I just sent him an email saying that he could only use the products he paid for and if uses any of the other stuff I sent him in faith of a payment I would sue his ass so fast his wife would break her back, again. But that's just me protecting what rights I have as an artist to get paid for work that I do, I don't want to cause tension or become known as the bitchy artist that won't leave you alone. I don't want anything negative to be affiliated with me as an artist because I have enough negative affliation as a human being.

I have an associates in pyschology.

That in no way makes me special. No way makes the way I view the world any different then how you view it. It just means I payed for school a little longer than you. I hate it when people think that because they have a degree or just have interest in psychology and sociology it means they have an insightful look on the world. Because believe me, they don't. It's still a matter of opinion and while those classes teach you the reasoning behind some reactions and interaction it doesn't teach all of the reasoning because you can't know all of it. I like to think the human race is filled with unique individuals who have unique talents and unique situations in their lives and while there is a pattern to some things I don't think it speaks for everyone.

The second you do think that knowing some social science makes you special means that you have become a person of assumption.

And that makes me hate you a little more.

I don't even know you but I know I hate people who just assume things are one way.

But now I am getting off topic.

I'm just tired being nice and people thinking I'm acting weird. I'm tired of stating my opinion and then people telling me I'm bitch because everyone is allowed to have opinions. I never said they weren't allowed to have opinions.

I'm just allowed to have mine too.


I hate having to bend over backwards at work to make people happy when they don't deserve it. I hate not being able to do anything for the customers that deserve the discounts just because they are already happy with us so they don't get special treatment. I feel like I'm being taught to reward bad behavior and discourage good, but hey, it's the american way right?

I hate how two-faced I feel if I don't voice my opinion in a group of friends just to avoid conflict but I hate having conflicts with my friends more. I hate how natural it feels to be able to piss off complete strangers who don't mean nothing to me emotionally and then how unnatural people seem to think it is that I would be willing to give my life up for a complete stranger. I value human life more than anything and if there is a way for me to stop some sort of suffering I will.

But I'm not going out there to be a missionary or something.

It's just how I feel.

I hate the way people take me seriously when I make a joke but don't take me seriously when I am actually voicing my opinion. I like to think people are able to see the difference but years of experience have taught me otherwise. Maybe I am tired of being a bitch?


That's not it.

I like being perverted and I like the freedom to say whatever I want but I don't want people to think I don't value their opinion. If I don't know you, then I don't value your opinion, I just nothing you, but if I do know then you I value your opinion and some way. Thats why I bug you about things or constantly want to talk to you.

It might also be because I'm kinda lonely.

I had someone tell me it was my own fault that I'm lonely and I agreed with them. They then got mad that I agreed and went on to change their opinion because they wanted some sort of debate that at the time I just wasn't willing to give because some days, some days I just really want someone to talk to me. Really talk.

I hate it when people post fun things online and other people take offense to it. If you know the person who posted it then you would know they didn't mean any offense and then to actually put a negative comment down just ticks me off. If I posted a video that was meant to be an enjoyment for my friends, I would want to hear about how they enjoyed it, not how they didn't because if they didn't it would make me sad. And you know what, I'm allowed to disagree with people not liking something because if they get to voice their opinion then I'm allowed to voice mine about how I think they are wrong.

And if they're response is 'I don't mean to be confrontational....but' It really makes me want to laugh. Because they do mean to be and so they should just be confrontational. I mean. I would prefer for them to send me a PM to be confrontational privately and not on their friends page because I can make them look like an ass. So i respond privately because I will make them look like an ass because I'm a bitch like that.

It's my job.

Now I'm just ranting because someone of FB ticked me off even though I probably won't think about it again.

Because like I said, I don't know you, then I nothing you.

I don't really feel any better but I feel like I got some ranting done.

Maybe I'll explain myself better some other day.

Happy Holidays. 

the human race sucks, rant

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