Title: The Old Man and the Frat Boy
Author: Thalia (
Rating: NC-17, yar.
Length: 3,775 words.
Summary: Beer. Jokes about sororities. Sex. An almost-typical Tuesday.
Warnings: Dirty, dirty slash. POV changes. Un-beta’d.
Disclaimer: Obviously fictional content is FICTIONAL. Please, please don’t sue me. And don’t be hatin. We just like the fuckin.
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Comments 165
I wish I was coherent enough to leave a proper review, but I think I'll just be in my bunk for the next few hundred hours.
Okay. Um. :clears throat:
I was too distracted by the sheer awesomeness of the interviews (Bruce being hot! Zoe being funny! JJ being flustered!) to notice it the first time, but on the second viewing it hit me like a ton of fucking bricks--He's totally a grown-up geek who happens to be hot and have gone for a career that puts him in the public eye. But he's really just a geek. I honestly think it's why he keeps (kept? we can only hope) doing really crap sci/fi fantasy-- because that's what he wants to WATCH, lol, because he's just a slightly shy geeky guy. I know a zillion guys like him in my LARP and the SCA (and if you don't know what those are, just know = GEEKY, lol ( ... )
Karl is my absolute FAVORITE! Because he is an adult. Because he is a parent. because he is smart. Because he is a geek. Because he is not Mr. Universe, but is a regular guy. he looks like someone you might see at the mall. He talks like someone you might chat with while waiting in line somewhere. He is perfection, simply because he is obviously not perfect, but rather human. A real man. Not a hollywood persona.
OMG He rocks my socks so hard!
The Caesar icon? Makes me squirmy :) I like the thought of this one too...
My favorite part about that icon is the fact that it looks like they stopped traffic in LA to do the photoshoot. By doing the photoshoot? STAY TUNED, MYSTERY REVEALED AT ELEVEN. XB
Dude, I dun read RPS usually but I just... yeah, bunk. Those gurgling sounds you hear are me.
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