May 10, 2004 00:49
Things are definatly getting better ok so my week like totally sucked.. like totally but i think that was just because i was pretty down about my mom and taking my anger out on my dad and lashing out at everything and i guess he really doesn't deserve it.. but i think at least he could meet me half way on a lot of things and not be like tottal dick about everything.. ok
+ didn't have to take any tests i was dreading to fail
+ got away with not turning anything into biology
+ spent the evening with vannie and having an amazing time because she is just amazing
+ completly like fucked with mike.. ha!
+ sleeping..... and not worrying about waking up
friday pretty good
- woke up at 10 still tire
- had to wash my dogs
+ went to taryns
- got there 2 hours late.. heard my well deserved bitching
+ went to the mall
- realized my dad forgot to give me money
- the mall was spent with this weird girl who didn't belong
+ beat taryn at cards even when she cheated! :)
- me and my dad got in a fight
+ went to daniella's party
- left early with angie to hang with gavin
+ turns out it was well worth it gavin had a friend
+ me and friend totally hit it off
+ they chilled at my house till 1 30..
sat it started out shitty but ended amazing
mothers day finally here
nothing good about today except... angie spent the night and came to church with me in the morning... had a heart to heart with my sister... and talked to gavins friend for 2 1/2 hours on the phone tonight... pretty good ending to a shitty day