(no subject)

Sep 08, 2004 09:10

So I'm still at a friends house. They have electricity... no satelite though and I have no electricity at my house. I have been here since friday morning... seeing the same walls over and over again, smelling the same 5 dogs over and over again and eating the same damn coco puffs cerial over and over again.

Every single condo in my condo development got messed up. Roofs caved in, fences blew away, severe water damage and stuff like that except for my lil condo block. Weird... the weirdest part is that we are right by a canal that flooded with floyd in 99 and it didn't flood, we are right by a lil forest of trees... none fell on our house... fell on someone elses like 30 feet away. Really really weird.

The house that I'm staying at didn't get much damage... the houses around them did... A lot of roofs flew off and a lot of trees fell on things they shouldn't have.....The clean up is a BITCH!

No power at my house... still can't get over that

Going to my grandmothers in hollywood.. FL nothing too exciting to babysit this cute baby with my grandmother watching me for 3 fun filled days of grandma hell!

*I rather be at my house sweating to death taking cold showers than go to my grandmothers house*

But I am being forced by the greed inside of me to get money! lol.

Sooo everyone is ok thank God... Some houses aren't but... i much rather have houses messed up then people.

*Re thinking about the hot and sweating thing.... rather be in grandma hell than be hot and sweaty lol*

A bunch of people got arrested for breaking curfew... haha thats pretty funny

well... i'll be online a lot more thank god... wish more people were too.. lol

oh and I slept through the damn hurricane.... I want a shirt that says

later all
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