I've done my back in. I'm 24 and I've done my back in. It took me twenty minutes to get off the bed this morning, though once I had crawled to the bathroom I did manage to pull myself up on the towel rail and stand! Woot, only half an hour to stand up
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I slipped a disc when I was 22. I was laid flat on my back for 3 days, but I could get about after that. I couldn't reach my feet in the mornings, though for a couple of years after.
I don't know what you can do to relieve the boredom, unless you read a lot, but there are a few things you can do to make things easier;
Depending on how your walking matters on if you can prop yourself up on the settee or a chair. If you find yourself hunching forwards when you walk, you can curl yourself into a chair or on the settee. You need to make sure your feet are off the floor and your lower spine is fully supported, that's vital, so having plenty of cushions, or pillows behind your back (not under your bum though) is a good idea. If you're leaning back, you shouldn't try to sit, or prop yourself up at all (I've had both sorts of back pain).
Don't sleep on your back if you're forward hunching, sleep on your side, a pillow is good, and tucking yourself into the foetal position takes the strain off. IF you lean back you should sleep on your back, but don't use a pillow (takes the strain off your spine). Don't sleep on your stomach. This should make getting up in the morning easier.
In the end, if you try something and it doesn't ease the pain straight away, don't do it, if you can find a position that is pain free, even better, because that means your back is not being strained and can heal quicker.
Avoid sitting up from laying down without using your arms to support you, and try not to make any sudden movements (I know that's not helpful when your sneezing). One thing to do if you do feel a sneeze coming on is put one hand on where it hurts and try to support your back with your hand while your sneezing - It's a little tricky at first, but you'll soon get to know how.
Hope this helps, and you're back to normal soon.
I've just finished the book I was reading (the last of the Twilight ones - I'm such an emo), so I'm re-reading Wee Free Men for the hundreth time now. Considering watching Firefly. Gah, most of the time I'd kill for nothing to do, but when it's forced on me I hate it!
It should be a lot easier in a couple of days if you keep off your feet as much as possible. Even though I was that bad I was on my feet in three days. You should definitely avoid any strain on your back until it's gone completely. Driving will be dificult for a while, but the acid test for me was; once I could take the handbrake off without my eyes watering then it was probably ok to drive :)
Lou's suggestion for hot water bottles is excellent, though the heat pads you can get (£1 for 2 from Wilkinsons) take less time to prepare (so less time stood up) and last longer. I make sure I always have a supply just in case cos they is for the win :D
Be patient, it won't last forever, and it offers plenty of thinking time too...
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