Apr 26, 2006 17:19
"I have posted a previous bulletin in regards to my recent beloved sisters death this Monday morning...
Some of you may have heard by radio, newspaper, or word of mouth...however...this is a tragic time for my family and I and I would like to thank everyone for their condolences ....Many of you knew her, knew of her or just know me and have shown such great love. Some of you have even offered to help in anyway possible....
You can help us out by telling everyone and reposting this bulletin asking for anyone who was a witness to my sisters tragic accident...and convincing them to come forward to the Dover Police Department and telling them what they saw. Your help with this matter will help Samaris' investigation, be favorable to us (her family) and also her beautiful baby boy Collin...Please help if you can, your reposting this alone can help us a great deal!
Secondly....there were flowers placed at the sight of my sisters accident. I am not sure who put them there but if it was you or you know of who it was...I would like to give you a big hug and kiss for loving my sister as much as we do!
And finally... Samaris Services will be held THURSDAY from 2-4PM and 7-9PM The Funeral will be on Friday morning at 11 AM Weatherhead & Young Funeral Home in Brick....Corner of Mantoloking Road
Hope to see you all there...and once again thank you for your love...
Love to all of you
Nicole Tassinaro"