A Horrible Ficlet in which Rex Finds Himself Completely at a Loss....

Oct 17, 2011 21:51

They found themselves staring at the source of the crying in the rubble. A infant screaming at the top of its lungs from a mangled wreck of a baby stroller.

"It's a baby," Rex gaped, then looked back at the others, the large piece of rubble still held over his head with his Smack Hands. "Does anyone know anything about babies?!"

Six shook his head, and Holiday gave him a deer-in-the-headlights look. Caesar said nothing, instead walking past Rex to crouch in front of the rubble. He undid the straps holding the baby down, gathered the infant in his arms, and stood, already beginning to rock it.

Rex put the rubble aside, staring at Caesar while Holiday and Six exchanged glances, "... Bro'?"

"It's a boy, probably about five months old," Caesar answered absently, not looking up. "He's not hurt, just scared."

"He must have gotten separated from his parents during the collapse," Holiday spoke quietly, looking towards the building as if the baby's parents would suddenly appear.

The cries were already dulling in intensity. Rex couldn't help but continue staring as the cries slowly died down. Eventually, it clicked, and his throat tightened.

"You know about babies... because of me," Rex moved closer, looking at the baby. "Don't you?"

Caesar looked up briefly with a grin. "You were a crier."

"I--what--no I wasn't!" Rex stumbled over his words, ignoring the bit of laughter he heard from Holiday or the smirk he knew was on Six's face.

Before Caesar could tell some horribly embarrassing tale, an alarm sounded from the jeep. He turned to Rex, straightening up, and handed the still half-upset baby to his brother, folding the teenager's arms around the bundle. Rex just froze, staring at Caesar.

"Here. Hold this," Caesar spoke hurriedly, then rushed off to look at the console making the noise.

"W-What am I supposed to do with this?!" Rex half-shouted in a panic as Holiday rushed past him to join Caesar.

"Keep it from crying!" Caesar answered unhelpfully, typing away.

Six patted Rex's shoulder as he walked by. "You're doing great, kid."

The baby disagreed and let his displeasure be known as he started to wail again. Rex jerked in surprise, his heart almost jumping out of his chest as he felt like he almost dropped the baby. He hugged it tighter to his chest, looking increasingly panicked.

"Hey, hey, don't cry, you're okay, shhhhhhh," Rex laughed weakly. "You're safe now! Really! C'mon, please stop crying already....!"

ooc, ooc; ficlet

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