Just stoing... *giggle*

Sep 11, 2005 03:06

Storing this here must go to bed.

[color=red]General Info[/color]

Full Name: Gavin Halvian
Nicknames: Gavvie, Gav, Vin, Hal
Nationality: UK - Scotch-Irish
Birthday: April 4
Special Feature: Vampirism
Wand: Gaboon Ebony, Dragon Heartstring, 15 inches

[color=teal]Physical Description[/color]

Eye Description: Amber, almond shaped, sometimes appear to shift shades
Hair Description: Dirty Blonde, curly to wavy -- varies from day to day, doesn't have bangs, naturally layered, length never stays the same long.
Height: 4'7" - (he is 11)
Facial Expressions: He normally appears serious and brooding; although he does smile. He can laugh as well, but he just feels more comfortable with being blank-faced and loose.
General Description: Gavin has freckles. They, however, are not heavy in any particular place. He weighs about 110lbs- right now. He has a pretty average build that isn't to large or to small. Gavin would be far more happy comfortable than anything else, so that is what he aims to achieve, comfort in his clothing. He wears jeans whenever possible and likes t-shirts of button up-shirts. He has a mole on the left side of his cheek He has a very powerful jaw and brow that shadow his eyes. He has a fairly large nose - but it doesn't look horrible on him. Gavin has dimples.. He has 5 tattoos: A leaf on his right hand between his thum and index knuckle, script on his left arm, one wrapped around his left wrist, and one on either shoulder.

[color=blue]Personality Description[/color]

Personality Strengths: (paragraph long. Ex. Has a lot of bravery...)
Personality Weaknesses: (paragraph long. Ex. Is arrogant... spoiled, bratty)
Habits: (nail-biting, smoking)
Basic Personality: (sum it all up)

[color=red]Student History[/color]

History: (please describe your childhood here, how you came to find your feature, things that came up while you had it, if the character is older then 11 then you should mention what school they went to before this one.)

[color=pink]Sorting Questions[/color]

Choose One From Each:

What's most important:

1. Doing whats right
2. Doing something perfectly
3. Doing what you must to get the job done

Do you prefer to:

1. Hide Your Emotions
2. Show your emotions. People should know how you feel!

Are you Better with:

1. Mental Skills
2. Physical Skills
3. A bit of both, although you don't always show it

What's More Important:

1. Being Perfect
2. Being close enough to what you, think is perfect.
3. Or rather not showing whether you would like to be perfect or not?

What do think of the school:

1. Do you want to get out of this school, and will complain to no end until you do?
2. Do you not care about being in this school?
3. Or would you rather not say?

What house do you think your character should be in?

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