bad date and then good date

Jun 14, 2008 10:14

Bad Date.

The guy was not desirable. i would try to make him discuss things and have opinions but all he would say was "hahahahaha, ooh Erin. you're too funny." then he kept trying to hold my hand when i persistantly pulled it away from him and he wouldnt listen to me when i said that he couldnt walk me to my car until i said no forcefully.

Good Date.

Last night i got to decorate chairs at Barefoot so Roxie came to hang out and she told me about a midnight showing of Shawn of the Dead so after chairs we went to Panda for some foods and then to the Pruneyard for the moooovie. we got there hellza early so we went to the bar next door and danced and drank. the band was pretty good. they played a lot of fun music like All Star and Play that Funky Music White Boy. they also played Time is Running out! which made us happy. then we saw the movie and it was amazing.

in other news, the new lab keys should be done on monday.

Also, there is a Cardiff Lounge!?!?!?!?!?!?! lets go.

Also Also, what was up with the sun yesterday? was it cuz of the fires in Santa Cruz?
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