Jun 17, 2007 12:56
I GOTS A RAT! i dont think i've told most of you. his name is Bandit and he is white with grey masky peices on his face. we had a little scare with him a few days ago; he hit his head and lost his ability to balance himself but he's ok now. Tom is going to Michigan in about a week for 10 days D: i will miss him. I WANT TO EAT RIBS! I HAVE BEEN CRAVING THEM BUT THE GODS ARE AGAINST ME! I TRIED TO EAT THE MOON WITH JEAN LAST NIGHT BUT I HAD TO GO INTO WORK CUZ WE ONLY HAD 3 CASHIERS! THREE! I'M GONNA PUNCH EVERYONE WHO CALLED IN SICK IN THE FACE AND THEn IM GONNA KICK THE SCHEDULE GUY IN THE NUTS!
thats all.