Who is Keyser Soze?

Aug 15, 2011 11:38

Just spent a pretty penny on a ticket to Richard III in October. Kevin fucking Spacey. I can't even. Excited.

I'm going to be in Seattle for business end of August. I don't think I have anyone on my flist in that area, but in case I do, drop me a line if you want to meet up for dinner or something. :)

In other randomness:
Football season didn't quite start as I would have liked but I'm going to chalk it up to having lots of new players and no cohesion just yet.
Novak continues to be flawless and amazing.
I've been trying to clear out my room and it's clear I need to dump/donate a lot of stuff. Will probably start selling old JE stuff though parting with my humble Aiba collection makes me :((((
I wonder if I'm a hoarder but on a much milder scale than those people on TLC...

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.

football, work sucks i know, buying shit i don't need, fuck yes, via ljapp

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