Jun 15, 2010 21:31

 okay, I am going to come off like a complete and total bitch and a half in this post and i really, truly can't care.

i am tired of people being lazy and childish and then BAAAWing when things dont go right for them.  If you want to make no effort in life, thats FINE.  If you are comfortable and happy in the life you lead, that is awesome for you and I honestly do not mean that in any condescending way.  The people I take issue with are the people who sit on their asses in their childhood bedrooms for years and years and years and do absolutely NOTHING to get out of there, then complain when people tell you to get motivated, bitch about how they have no money, and are not willing to TRY. I'm  just so sick of the lazy depressing the-world-hates me whining. Either come to peace with your place, or WORK TO CHANGE IT.

There are student loans.  there are grants.  there are cheaper programs.  there is some place, somewhere in the world, that teaches what you want to know in a format you can adhere to and afford.   You can't find it if you don't look.  It will not land in your lap.

There are jobs.  they might not be great jobs.  you may hate your job.  its a job.  stop complaining you can't find work if you refuse to apply to McDonalds.  its not a GOOD job, but it will hold you til you find something you want to do.  These also will not land in your lap. you have to TRY.

If you are unhappy with your weight or appearance, things can be done.  Sitting on your ass eating potato chips is most likely not going to help you.

If you have a talent, USE IT.  PLEASE.  these are the most frustrating people to me.  If you have a marketable talent that you enjoy and you refuse to use it and work at it and attempt to learn and NOT BE FUCKING LAZY about it, I question why you do it at all.  I really, really don't understand not wanting to be better at something you enjoy.  I don't understand having a talent and sitting on it.  WHAT.


I hate saying it like this, but if i can come out of the situation i came out of, and find a way to get my shit together, chances are, so can you.  I realize I used to do shit like this, and i am pretty fucking disgusted with myself.  Its not that hard to go for a run in the morning, god.

Here come the angry comments, this isn't directed at anyone and i know I misworded some things in my RAEG so at least give me a chance to clarify if its needed.
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