Like everyone knows, it snowed yesterday. I went outside with my hair wet from the shower and almost froze. I've had a good christmas so far. I can't wait for dinner tonight because I am fat and I love food. My dad's brother and his family left on Wednesday, and so did Joe. My grandma is still here. She is always telling stories. That side of the family always has a story to tell about the past, and memories. She sometimes tells stories about me as a little kid, and how I would make her and my grandpa sit down to watch a show I would put on, with dancing and singing, and Trevor helping out. She asked me today if I remembered my grandpa, and she was happy when I said I did. I've spent most of the day trying to put all my music on my ipod. It took me about an hour to get it to work. I love it, and I know that I'm spoiled. My grandma made a joke about that while we were opening presents, about my brother and I getting all this stuff. I got a lot of clothes. I still have to give people their holiday gifts. I put out eggnog and cookies for Santa last night. But he had already been to my house, because his gifts were around the tree. I didn't look at them because I didn't want to ruin the surprise. Of course happy holidays and drive safely, because I'm only a mother. Are we planning for New Years yet?
i grew a beard.