Sep 05, 2002 09:14
Class last night sucked big time. My first class was okay I guess but it has me handing in weekly papers in addition to a minor paper and major paper and presentation. Ugh! My second class was entirely too boring. One of the people that work here that I detest was in the class so that wasn't fun and my prof. from my first class was in the second class. How weird is that? The problem lies in the fact that I could barely walk when I got home and couldn't sleep from pain. I think that I am going to have to drop the second class because 4 hourse of class after 8 hours of work right now isn't good for me. Here's my big debate. Do I just resolve myself to taking only 1 class this semester? I didn't take any last semester so that leaves me with only 15 credits towards the 33 credit degree after this semester. OR Do I take another class on tuesday or thursday from 4-6 p.m. so that I keep with 6 credits this semester? Either way it doesn't change my date of graduation because as of now with 6 credits this semester I will be taking 1 class my last semester, if I drop a class this semester I will be taking 2 classes that semester. Decisions, decisions. I hate feeling so weak and inadequate. I want to be regular and normal again. UGH! I go to the surgeon today again to have him decided on whether more surgery is in my future. Yet another reason why I should be cautious with my classes. Maybe I'll just quit on my degree it's just not as fun as it used to be.