New California cell phone laws begin July 1
Hands-free devices required
Cell phones have become invaluable tools in our business and personal lives. They have, however, raised a number of safety and security issues.
To help address those issues, two new cellular phone laws will take effect in California on July 1, 2008. The first new law prohibits drivers who are 18 years of age or older from operating a motor vehicle using a wireless telephone unless using a hands-free device. Exceptions to the law include emergency situations, operating a vehicle on private property, and certain stipulations for commercial vehicle operators.
A second new law prohibits minors from using a wireless telephone, including a hands-free device, as well as mobile service devices such as pagers, texting devices, and laptops.
The fines for both laws are $20 for the first offense, plus administrative fees, and $50 for the second or subsequent offenses, plus administrative fees.
While the new laws don’t take effect for six months, you don’t have to wait until then to start using a hands-free device, and start practicing safer cell phone usage while driving now.
Read specific information on the new laws, including exceptions and FAQs, from the
State of California Department of Motor Vehicles.