Hebron museum to preserve four-legged chicken
Thu Mar 15, 2007
Hebron, West Bank (Reuters) - A museum that displays animals with shocking physical abnormalities in a cave near the West Bank city of Hebron will be adding its newest exhibit this week: a four-legged chicken.
Palestinian Hasan al-Talahmeh holds a four-legged chicken
in the West Bank town of Dura, near Hebron March 14, 2007.
REUTERS/Nayef Hashlamoun
The founder of the museum, known as the Cave of Caves, said the unlikely quadruped is already dying because of its condition and it will be euthanised and stuffed by a local pharmacist.
"Misuse of hormones led to such abnormality," said Abdel Kareen Abu Znaid, the pharmacist who will be preserving the chicken.
The bird will be displayed in the cave alongside other unusual creatures, like a two-headed goat.
http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070315/od_uk_nm/oukoe_uk_chicken_1 What is the Cave of Caves?