Nov 07, 2003 15:13
ARGH!...thats it...ARGH.
im a licensed cali driver...its about dam time...
i have court on wednsday fer runnin a stop sign when i didnt have mah license...they sed if i get mah license i'll only have like a 30 dolla hopefully all goes well.
My father is strange he is the nicest person one moment and the next a total asshole to me..
i am fed up with my friends...i am icky feeling when they are around...well except with danny and maybe karen...but i for some strange reason feel like sumthin bad is gunna happen with everyone
i made danny tell richie leave on a count of he was smoking ish in my bathroom...which in numba one on the list of things you dont do at my house
house is almost done bein painted...its perty.
i got me a lil job so i can get mah car fixed and let it be driveable...mah daddy seys it just needs like 200 bucks in repairs so gimmie 2 weeks and i'll be ballin in mah t bird lol.
School is sooper gay...hopefully it'll all be over with by january.
i miss Lindy...i need to hang out with her. i was supposed to go see her with mikey when we went to Mad Monster Party but Mikey is a flake like always and changed his mind on the last didnt get to see her :(
oh well when mah carro is runnin i will make a nice lil trip to see the little lady. yes indeedy
i havent seen her in ages not since she got all married and popped out a freakin kid...
i also miss mando...:(
oh well
i am kinda weird depressed rite now...i dunno i just wanna sleep all day and make everyone go away. SICK SICK SICK of everyone and their mama...
help me sumone :(
make me happy again
one would think that after the good stuff that has been happening to me i'd be the most delightful person around...but not at all...this is not normal