rating community rant for all to read ; ): p

Dec 18, 2003 03:28

going onto lighter things, I've been questioning my membership @ in_the_mix, really. people there can be so rude. I mean for no absolute reason. I personally can/will not stand to let a complete moron vomit useless words unto an 'applicant'. What's the point? There's a difference in saying no. or no, your hair looks a bit weird in pic 10 but when someone says
you will be a loser forever, die. I'm like what the....
for real. I'm too nice.
they say things like "this is a rating community, take the heat or get out of the kitchen." okaaay, thanks for the advice. ROFL. What type of rating community are we creating? Is the question we should ask ourselves. sheeesh enough of the all-embracing-letsgettogetherandsmokeincense(yes I said incense)...thats crap. hahahah I have no idea as to where I'm heading with this entry. Anyway, yeah I seemed to be naive enough to think that this rating community would be 'different' read: have common courtesy and respect people. riiiight
say no but the manner in which you say it can be tactful, no?
mais non. The fact that the unnecessary behavior is encouraged is another story.

oh well, that should be the least of my worries. lets carry on with our lives shall we?

I'm off to install my sister's quick study french CD. shoud be fun %:. ) <--snowoman
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