Mar 27, 2005 22:40
I awake at around 8:00 and shower.I then put on my white collared shirt dress pants and blue tie. Then we picked ev up and my mom brought us to the service. The service had its high points like when ev dropped his yamakaa and book (then later found out you need to kiss it). And when we were all informed that taylors hebrew name is "Schlomo" which caused a rucus of laughing. Although taylor did a kickass job with all his speeches and things. Then we went to this luncheon right after which had some good food and taylor told the fastmo story which was funny. I then went home and left my house to get a haircut. But the lady who cut it messed it up and it looks like passyunk avenue so im gettin it fixed soon.At like 6:40 Mrs.dimartino picked us up for the party so we could get there early. We met the two guys from taylors drum teachers band (who were rather good) then cocktail hour began. I hung out with ev and jackie and all those people. Cocktail hour was pretty cool though i met a few of taylors hebrew school friends. Then we went into the party. The food rocked there was like pizza and chicken fingers(nice choices tay). Throughout kerry kept randomly poppin up near me and givin me this weird look (which was creepy). When we were eatin marissa middleton showed me and ev the pics she took from talent show which were funny. Then the "taylor edwards expierience" played this latin groove which was good. The rest of the night was just awesome from the classic rock songs played to the dancing it was just an all out great time.This party took the world awesome to a whole new level. Plus we got these awesome pants (which im wearin now) that say " I jammed at Taylors Bar Mitzvah"
So today i woke up and looked at all the candy and cds and stuff i got then went to church. After that we went to my grandmoms house for an awesome brunch and we stayed there all day with the extended family and then had dinner there. Thats about it