Oct 12, 2006 22:57
It's towards the beginning of October, which to me usually means Santa Anas, chapped lips, wondering how silly it is to wear sweaters with flip-flops but doing it anyway, and worrying if the Santa Anas might blow over the plants on my balcony.
Today, however, a new meaning of early October:
37 degrees Farenheit.
That's right, it's 37 degrees outside, and Weather.com says it "feels like 27", and that we're getting a mix of rain and snow. Thankfully I got a coat in the mail today, and I'm a little tempted to persevere and go out to a Mexican food place I drove past on the way home from a great little indie record/design/books store that I'm hoping will stay in business. I'm going to go watch Viva Voce and Silversun Pickups with the guy who owns it in about a week, too.
What's strange is that I might be adjusting to the weather - it felt cold, but not insanely cold, as one would expect.
Yep, it snowed. I'd call it "snow flurries" since it was obviously drifting, not falling, bits of frozen water, but they'd turn immediately to slightly slushy watery cold on the ground, not anything still recognizable as snow. It was pretty... but I'd like my autumn back, thank you.