i have my own ball and shoes (gift from an ex who was really into bowling); i like bowling, but i suck at it. i HAVE done wii bowling...suck at that as well, but it is fun. you just have to make sure to have the lanyard thing around you wrist or you risk tossing the remote into your tv (friends of mine learned this the hard way)
oh i've observed wii bowling many times, i was simply trying not to get hooked. I used to have my own ball and everything, but I don't go often now. I wouldn't mind getting back into it.
i haven't been in ages. it would be fun to go and embarrass myself again...but i'd have to go with people who don't take bowling (or themselves) too seriously.
eh, i'm sort of somewhere in between. I really like getting a good score, but I do have fun with it. And I'm just a bit competitive.. I haven't lost in a while, so I'd like to keep the streak going :D
i like competition...that's part of the fun. however, acting like making a strike is life or death (and meaning it!) is too much.
and i am sure you could beat me...before i got my own ball i was lucky to break 50. after, i was happy to break 100 (and i did on occasion!). i was shocked at how much difference a custom drilled ball could make!
and i'll refrain from commenting on the "custom ball" statement...
...except to say that the guy who gave it to me figured that a big part of my problem were the facts that i have really small hands and that i am left handed. most alley balls are drilled for right handers with average hands...and the balls drilled for kids were too light for me.
...if it were me bowling the world would be in SERIOUS trouble. i really suck at bowling.
and i am sure you could beat me...before i got my own ball i was lucky to break 50. after, i was happy to break 100 (and i did on occasion!). i was shocked at how much difference a custom drilled ball could make!
and i'll refrain from commenting on the "custom ball" statement...
...except to say that the guy who gave it to me figured that a big part of my problem were the facts that i have really small hands and that i am left handed. most alley balls are drilled for right handers with average hands...and the balls drilled for kids were too light for me.
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