May 23, 2003 02:55
my sister is awesome. she's cool cuz she posseses this quality i don't. it's called modesty/secretiveness/level-headedness/sly-ness/surprising-ness. anyways, i went to see her dance concert tonight, and she's really good! i gave her so much poo about mrs. p, her weight, and dancing choreography. but what do i know? i only need to play that game cuz i couldn't dance. and she can, so she'll be fine auditioning for dance company. Anyways....speaking of games...
don't hate the gamer, hate the game?!?
pwah pwah pwah...
i realized that i'm really not boy crazy. i definetly don't have drama in my life. and the spots where i do, it easily adjusts itself, or works out without too much hassle/effort. (i think)
i was kinda perturbed at the amount of ppl blocking me on their aim buddy lists. i don't wanna be a bad person, and if ppl block me that's doesn't necessarily mean im a bad person, but if they're friends, then i care bout why they block me. kinda saddening situation, but i think could be helped.
what else is happening? im just living/loving life. the usual stuff, nothing too exciting, nothing too boring.
top 3 things i'm unhappy with and top 3 things i'm happy with:
u guess which one is which list!! (hehehe, this is fun for me)<--is a dork diet, my family relationships, recent shopping experiences account, being home, my job
imma dork. someone asked me out today. i told them i was dorky and geeky. then we talked about museums. then we talked about authors...
which reminds me, i missed a tv show i wanted to watch tonight. PBS had a show w/ authors, talking about their books. i was driving to the dance concert when i looked at the clock and realized i was missing it =( goals for tomorrow: leave by 11, be nice in class, south coast, look at min. 3 apts., call yacht agent, eat before 4. i better write these things down
why is someone yelling upstairs? weird weird surreal life.