May 05, 2006 06:13
Where did you live?
Port Hall
Who was/were your roommate(s)?
ugh...this random girl...named Laura Fitzpatrick, you might know her actually. hahaha jk it REALLY worked out and we proved that friends who become roomies actually can live together. our friendship got better, it's been good. i just wish she wouldn't hiccup so loud.
Do you still talk to them?
Ever get in trouble in the dorms?
my bed was blocking the air conditioner door apparently...
Something you remember about when you first lived on campus?
getting a close-knit group of friends immediately, especially with a group of skaters that taught laura & i how to do so, it was so fun
Your campus phone number or other number
my room phone's ringer is so loud! random numbers used to call and wake me up *annoyed* so now i just leave it unplugged most of the time
First party attended?
had to be a beach bonfire here at corpus. the most random combination in a car: Aldo Salazar + random junior + laura + me. we joined some random party going on and i met my first college guy/interest whatever thing. i forget his name...
First Bar you got wasted at?
not at a bar
Favorite Pizza Place?
Favorite place to go out to eat?
Hu-Dat Noodle House, La Playa Mexican food, Whataburger at 4 a.m. (hey i live in the "capital" of it!)
Did you go to the library?
i just came back from there actually! we had a "study group" that turned out to be fun because of all the dumb stuff we did...but we're ready for the final! i should have gone more often, turns out it really helps
What was your Favorite Floor you'd always be on?
3rd floor at Marina Hall! we LIVED there our first semester
Club, Athletics, Fraternities or Sororities, you joined?
i should have. i really will next year, i just took a break this time around to experience the new lifestyle
Where did you buy your books?
UC bookstore
Who made the best wings?
Wing Stop, BEST chicken don't like the bones that get in the way!
Ever attend a sporting event?
no, but i did want to go check out a basketball game. putting that on the "to do" list...oooh! and a hockey game!
Ever attend a concert or comedic performance?
better: i went to a slam poetry reading
Have you ever spent the night on campus not in your dorm hall?
yes, great memories
Favorite night to go out on, and where did you go?
the beach of course or some dorm/apt on campus
Where did you get coffee?
Aqua Java or Starbucks
Go see a play or been in one?
no, wish i would have
Did you ever have a job at school?
not yet - next year definitely
What do you hate about your college?
it's on it's own island, so we're kinda away from the real city but not. i hate the planes that fly so close to us because of the navy base, but then i love them. i hate that it's a small campus but i do love that i recognize people. i hate the humidity but love the tropical atmosphere
What did you love most about it?
i love the "not too far but not too close" to home thing. i loved the sense of being independent. i loved the lack of curfew
Ever leave to go on a road trip, where?
Waco was one of the best, San Antonio often, etc.
Where would you believe is the best location to live in?
the apartments but these dorms are good too
Graduated or still attending?
still attending
Year of graduation?
2009ish (nursing or semesters abroad might change that)
Will you go back? it all depends on whether i get accepted to the nursing program. if i don't, i might -MIGHT- transfer to UTSA to pursue many foreign languages and communications and English major and writing as an author and journalism and etc. who knows?!?!
How many parking tickets have you gotten?
none - no car AND IT'S FRUSTRATING
Finally, ever gotten arrested?
i escaped that by pretending to "be asleep" many times!