Messy sketch ughgu When winter break comes around I wanna finish it. I haven't done a fully finished picture in like a year so... Theres alot of anatomy to be fixed but that's what a sketch is! o3o I just liked her butt okay
Trying to draw wings... failing....
I dunno man I slapped color on and it was a bad idea
I was trying to mess with the brush in sai but it came out weird but eh oh well
I only like the colors /o\
And then color palettes because they're so much fun! These are
both songs.
I've always liked what some people do with text. This makes it part of the picture more than just being there. (though the first one is just kinda there hah)
Jo attempts to draw a dildo and is not sorry at all.
Aliyah and Jason have a horrible friendship. I don't think you can really consider them friends at all. Jason constantly annoys her and tries to flirt with her, and Aliyah doesn't have the greatest patience or temper sooooo. They have the same friends so they don't really have a choice. I hate-ship them.
I had my review a while ago! Went better than I expected. Since I have practically no experience with 3d animating my teacher suggested I focus on 2d stuff until I get the hang of the tools. Maybe even have vector-based animation as like a second thing. I've actually never considered that before. Basically it would be like all the cartoons on tv. It actually seems like a fun idea!
I'll be taking my first 2d animation course next semester actually. I have mixed feelings about it! I don't draw as fast as I'd like to so doing the homework is probably going to take me a while OTL. People said it's basically an inbetweening class so you won't be seeing any original animations from me, haha.
I'm so ready for this semester to be over with. It's my hardest semester so far. It's probably the foundation classes fault, though. I feel like I'm not learning anything useful to me from one of them.
I'm surprised I even have as much free time as I do! Either I work faster than I think I do or I'm not trying hard enough. Probably both. I don't have enough motivation to spend on each class equally orz