
Feb 29, 2012 21:43

I have Maya! EXCITE.
Dang I love college, I get ALL the free programs! Maya is the 3d modeling program. It's like over $1000, I'm not even kidding. I'm just worried it might be too much for my laptop to handle. Oh well. Nothing has happened so far!
I have this fear of frying my laptop, cause that's exactly what happened to my last one. I also back things up very often anyways, so it's not too big a deal when it fries... Except for having to buy another one and stuff.... If I fry another laptop my Dad is gonna make fun of me even more pffft. When I was younger I used to crash the family computer often .w.

But yes! So now I don't have to go to the lab to do stufffff. Which is good because the lab is cold, and always full. I bring screenshots of the two things I made last semester!

ALPACAAAAAAAA. I did this one in like 45 mins? It was in class so I didn't have too much time.

This is the box thingy we had to copy from the projector, and we can turn it to whatever we want. Alpaca of course, because of Hima-papa xD

Weird ass jester girl I created as my final. I kind of wonder what I was thinking? She looks creepy 8[ I really like her legs though lmfao. I also didn't know there was a smoothing button, so I was sitting around trying to add a shit ton of edges to smooth it out.... I realized it too late though so I just decided to leave it all blocky. If I had smoothed it I'd have to go back and fix a bunch of things for it to look right. The alpaca above is with the smoothing view thingy.
She's also really huge, omg. It was kinda an accident.

HER FACE IS CREEPY. We weren't really taught a proper way to make a head, like with movable features. We made this base head as a class, and I just kinda stuck it on.... She should have a mask but you can't really tell? And she doesn't have ears lololol
Also her hat was so difficult omg. I spent such a long time just on that cause it wasn't doing what I wanted it to do xDDD

Her feet look so weird. I didn't spend much time on it obviously.

I wasn't able to color her though, because when I tried, things went stupid and the colors wouldn't apply properly. :/
Once I go back to the lab to pick up the file for my building, I'll post some wip screenshots of it. I really like how it looks so far... I just really like the building posts? xDD
Gee I was working on it in class today, and suddenly Maya decided to crash on me. And guess what? I never saved it lololol /o\ When I opened up the file all I had there was a box. A BOX. I was sad for a couple minutes, but since it was my second time doing everything I did it pretty fast. It crashed again at the end of class lmao but this time I had saved.

school stuff

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