My friends came over and they had alot of fun with my cut-out guys xD
My extra Nicky's from my finals now have a home with my friends -3-
The one with Nicky and the tongue is my favorite o3o I wanna use that as an icon or something xD
I was in the mood to draw a kiss. I'm still in the mood to draw kisses -3-
The bar is supposed to be between Ace and Joe but uh, obviously I didn't draw that very well so it just looks like Joe is standing oddly far away xDD Lmao those hands
Ace is bartender. He is too cool for a tie. Nicky doesn't always work in the kitchen; sometimes he prefers to be a waiter for the day.
One day I want to draw out the restaurant, both as perspective practice and just cause. xD I had a really really short perspective lesson in class and it's easier for me now. (But my knowledge only applies to buildings and stuff saddd)
Oddly I've been getting kinda busy to make it to CAPTALIA. Dx I've gotta pack since I'm going back to SF soon~
Sob no more insane doodling spree
Actually wait
I think I might have more free time this semester since I'm taking an english class and a history class, instead of all of them being "studio classes" 8D (I hopeeeee)
Also me and my friend are arriving at the airport around the same time xDDD How awesome is that??