I am in a indecisive state, so I ask you for your take is on this.
I have learned from past that It is always helpful to get variety of perceptions from people not necessarily in your domain of work.
Part 1: Job
Okay...I need help to sell myself! :( There is a career fair tomorrow and I gotta distribute my Resume
http://www.cs.jhu.edu/~pinak/Resume.pdf -> My re-vamped Resume
Apart from that, since some of my LJ-friends are "employed", what companies would you suggest I apply to? (rather what companies do you think will hire me?)
Part 2: PhD
I have been thinking of applying for a PhD for quite sometime... Europe, US, & Canada seem favourable as of now.
Research Interest -> Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Medical Robotics/Imaging
Research Areas -> All of the above + Data Warehousing, Reputation Systems, Game Theory, Bioinformatics
Any Advise/Suggestions?
I am hoping to graduate this December if my thesis gets completed. Thesis is in the area of Vision and Learning Systems (will go into details later)
Plan#1 -> Get a job work few years and apply for PhD
Plan#2 -> Apply for PhD, get a job and work. If I get accepted into PhD program quit job.
Plan#3 -> Try to get into Johns Hopkins Phd program. (doesn't look likely)
Irrespective of what/who/where you are... if you have something to suggest, please do.