Mar 13, 2005 13:18
OMFG!!! i had so much freakin fun this weekend!! I went campin with my sis and ALOT of other ppl
We showed up at the camp at like 10 and we got our tent ready and sat by the fire and talked to John Dickin Jeremy Jeremy Kyle and Kristin. Jone had to go to the ER though b.c Jeremy ran over john with his dirt bike earlier that day and it turned out that he broke his leg.
I woke up at like 8 in the mornin b.c Roger showed up and turned his dirt bike on and was makin everyone wake up. So like at 12 me and Lauren went riding on my 4 wheeler. We got broke down like twice though. haha. And then we raced like 5 guys who were absolutely hott!! and we got 3rd. But then lauren told me to put the bike in neutral so i did and she told me to flor it and so i did and while i did that i shifted on accident and we did a wheelie! I thought we were gonna die. But we rode all day until it got dark. Then at bout 8 o clock at night we all sat by the fire and drank. Lauren had a mikes lemonade and i had a smirnoff twisted and lemonade and some melon shit and i had to pee so bad so i peed like 10 times in 20 mins. haha lauren had to help me walk to where i had to pee since i was so fucked i couldnt walk straight. And then she passed out along with crystal kristin roger john esa and mallory. So i sat up with jeremy and jeremy and talked till like midnight and then sum meskin came and rode his 4 wheeler by our camp and so john and dickin went to go say sumthin to them and dickin yelled outKyle's name and so kyle goes roger if i yell... and roge was out of his tent before kyle could finish and they were off to go up there with dickin and john. And then one of the jeremy's went up there too. And dickin hit the meskin in his jaw and made his helmet turn so he couldnt see and they were like yellin at each other for like5 mins and the woman goes yall just messed up boys and Kyle goes you shut the fuck up you fuckin meskin. Haha i dont think any one should mess with them b. they just came from iraq and aint scared to kill sum 1 especially meskins since they hate them. Last night was so fuckin fun!!
I woke up at like 10 o clock and then got out of the tent and went to get dressed then took lautrn on one last ride and then we said our goodbyes to everybody! I sure cant fuckin wait until they come back to town cuz i'll probly have more fun then this weekend. Well maybe ;-).
.::*Cortney Rae*::.