This past weekend was the Chupacabra challenge.
Saturday was my first day out of bed and it was noticeably hard for me to stay awake all day.
I was exhausted but it was a lot of fun to hang out with everyone again.
Unfortunately on Sunday Danny broke his wrist and he's out for the rest of the mountain bike season. It's super lame because he won two out of three events over the weekend. LAME.
Tomorrow I have a calculus test and then I'm going to Nevada. Viva Las Vegas?
I'm a little scared.
I'm a lot scared actually. I'm scared of the flight and scared that I'll be so far away from here being that I've been so sick lately. I'm scared that I have no money and that I'm not 21 and haven't gotten an alternate ID and that I can't drink while I'm there because of my medication anyway and I'm just EEP... I'm also scared because I HAVEN'T PACKED YET. Poo.
Today I'm spending time with Wilson.
Yesterday I spent time with Wilson, too.
And the day before, and for a while before that. . .
Pretttty much ever since he got back into town we have been hanging out a LOT.
We are good together and we laugh and smile constantly and he plays with my hands idly and it's refreshing and lovely to have all of that and to just be content.
He makes stress nonexistant and is just... good.
I've also been riding my bike even though I'm not supposed to have been... but I've just been doing easy rides out in Todd and taking lots of breaks. Last night I got some random stabbing pain that scared me a little so I didn't and won't ride today. I can't wait to have this over with so I can go back to doing what I do.
SYMBOLISM! It's the only picture that was taken of me riding and it's all gnar-ed up. Funny.
Alright, Calculus test to study for before Wilson gets here and we make yumtastic dinner and have happy fun relax time.