Universitas Encyclopedia

Sep 10, 2008 22:41

    • Biomedical Engineering (aka BME): my study. Ours has been ranked the best in the world of all BME faculties! Kinda fun, there a lot of foreign students at our study, especially Asian ones. Capabalitiesto become a biomedical engineer: physics, biology, maths, chemics and electro-(magnetism).

    • W-Hoog: the building of the faculty of Biomedical Engineering. It’s not a rather beautiful building, it even won the concrete prize. >.< But, it’s a medium building, not as big as many of the other faculties at the TU/e. Oh, and there are a lot of cool laboratories and engineering labs

    • New friends: since I'm studying in Eindhoven, I've met so many awesome new people. My very best friends are without any doubt my intro group. Except Stephan, he's just a weirdo... maybe he came from another planet? Anyway, there are also Jurgen and Rowena, my train buddies. I know Jurgen from my old school, and we met Rowena in the train, she's also studying BME. ^^ Yeah. What they have in their mouths áre saucages. xDD Via Protagoras and Simone, Chantal and Tom, our intro mum's and dad, I also meet a great many of older years. Damn, it seems that everyone is just nice!

    • NS: *sigh* Do I have to give any further information on this subject? Time is a rather relative subject to that lot, apparently. Also, we’re OPGESCHEEPT with the oldest wreckages of it’s train arsenal. These ‘cosy Harry Potter trains!’ aren’t cosy at all when it’s busy. At the moment (yes, I wrote this post earlier than the post time indicates...), I;m sitting in the very train to Breda, with Rowena. I also travel a lot with Jurgen, Patrick and Manon, but not today.

    • Protagoras: BME's own study association (not to confuse with study association!). They organise a great many of kickass activities, like today, we played midget golf xDD. Imagine, 25 grown up (half of them totally crazy) students playing midget golf. xD After that, we ate at 'De Zwarte Doos' (The Black Box), TU/e's own cinema/restaurant/bar. Every thursday, there's a 'borrel' in 'In Vivo', the 'borrelhok' of Prot.
    • Laptop: UNMISABLE. I’ve just received an email that mine is fixed. Hurray! So, tomorrow, I’m going to recollect it and give this borrowed system back. The service is absolutely marvelous!

    • 6VWO-students: I’ve applied to guide some 6VWO-students during ‘my ordinary day at the TU/e’. So, this year, I’m getting company of round 8 wannabe-BME-students. Cool, eh?

    • Time: rare matter. Usually, I’m from 6:30 am to pm away from home. If I have college (nothing is really VERPLICHT, actually, except OGO) till 12, I’m spending the rest of the day in the library or in SEL (Science and Engineering Laboratory) to work on OGO. Or, much more fun, doing awesome things with Protagoras. Short school days are past simple.

    I don't want you to miss this pic. [a]

university, school, encyclopedia

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