Sep 16, 2004 17:02
][ name: Megan!!
][ birthday: augsust 20,1989
][ siqn: leo!!:)
][ aqe: 15
][ sex: girl
][ location: imperial
][ school: "MOIST SCHOOL" west a.
][ qlasses/contacts: noperzz
][ braces: use too
][ tall/short: i would have to say im short?
][ do you like ketchup: eww gross! gross!nasty one time stef put a ketchUp COVER piece of peperoni in my purse. ugh!
][ do you like mustard: no!!!
][ do you like mayonnaise: yea its okay:)
][ do you like pickles: they alrite.
][ do you like pickle relish: HUH whats that?
][ do you like chicken: drummy sticks
][ do you like spinach: i dont think i have EVER ate it. BUT THE GRINCH THEN!:)
][ do you have any siblinqs: sister.:)
][ what are their names: EDEN BARTLETT!:)
][ how old are they: She is 7 and a wild one!
][ do you have any pets: no..i wish!:( i use to have a rat but it drownd in the toilet!:(
][ what are their names: not invisiable.Aka(not alive)
][ what kind of pets are they: a suck yo dick kind
][ do you like school: hmmm no i rather not go.
][ if you could choose anyone to rule the world who would you choose?: Meeee!. YOU BITCH.
][ do you like pokemon?: there cute..UH i like watched that the other day it was okay!
][ have you ever had wet dreams about someone?: fuck..yeah!:) i have them while i am awake too. OH BABY OH BABY!
][ how often do you talk on the phone?: i dont really. im not a phoner talker but its cool!
][ how often do you surf the web?: hahahhahahhahah surf*?hahaahh i do i guess
][ how often do you hang out with friends?: whenever i call them up and say can i come overr.:)
][ do you love them?: YESS! most of them
][ have you ever loved anyone?: hahahahhaha maybe fakly.but i do love my BEST FRIEND ASHLEY LYNN BREEDLOVE!
][ have you ever hooked up with someone?:UHH yes i have a had a boyfriend befor..but like stef i go fishin and i say...NO.:)but sock it tahh ME!
][ are you loopy?: does that mean can i twist my body?
][ have you ever broken any bones?: the armerr
][ how often do you shower?: everyyfucking day.FOOL!
][ which group do you hanq out with at school?: well i call them friends
][ do you qet qood qrades?: uhh NO//not at all! haha
][ do you always qet in trouble?: nope
][ do you qet alonq with your parents?: they NEVER home..wel my mom aint. i only live with my mom.
][ are you qonna qo to colleqe?: probley?
][ do you like qold or silver jewelry?: i like fake jewelry
][ ever pranked a 1-8oo number?: yeh 1-800 whore me!
][ ever tried to impress your crush but wound up embarrassinq yourself?: yeh i feel in front of him and i always embarrass myself and i dont relize i did untill like a few days after..cuz im stupiid.
][ what are you most afraid of?: being burried alive
][ are you weird?: biffff like i would know..!:);)
][ how lonq does it take you to qet rady for school?: well i wake up at like 6 and go to my bus at 7?
][ do you sleep with one or 2 pillows?: LIKE 4 it feels like someone is sleeping with me and of course melvon.!
][ do you like coffee?: fuuck yeh
][ do you want to live?: in your asswhole.
][ do you want to meet your husband/wife?: i want a husband who will swing on a swing with me and run through feilds with me. and say sock it to me now! my bitch!
][ do you want to get married?:YES MARRIAGE SEEMS KINDA PRETTY....but ill probley end up getting a divorce cuz my whole family gets around!
- what.
][ do you like to do?: laugh! and stick fingers in wierd wholes.andd sock hott boys (Kiss kiss) i love boys!
][ was the most fun retreat/trip you went on?: ocean city...! i mean im talkin about hot boys mr. scopes owee yii yi OWEE.
][ friend is always there?: lacey,ashley, stef and rachel.:)
][ relative sends you the most money for christmas?: uhh well i have to have like 5 christmas's cuz my family is so big cuz they get around so much.exspecially when your grandma got married 2 times and the grandpa got married about 6 times...?lol i lvoe them all!
][ do you want to be when you qrow up?: hmm a maid.?
][ is your fave sport?: hockey is HOTT.
][ is you fave peice of clothing?: well all my clothes have wholes in them or are too short!
- have you in the past 24 hours.
][ cried?: yea..
][ qotten in major trouble?: uhh no?
][ cut your hair?: nope one time i did cut it myself though.
][ ate a meal?: mom dont really cook meals for me and when she does we eat at like 11 at night.
][ hugged someone?: yes.
][ kissed someone?: yes.
][ made a new friend?: kinda i think im not sure if there a new friend?
][ lost something?: b.f:(
-have you ever.
][ been so drunk you passed out?: i dont remember but i dont think
][ gone out in public in your pj's?: pshh all the time,one time me and kym went to get a pizza and it was like 95%outside and we had on a sweat pants and sweat shirts. lol
][ had an imaginary friend?:yes..:)
][ cried during a chick flick?: yea
][ owned a new kid's on the block cd?: no hahah i own an LFO cd.
][ gotten into a car accident?: nope.KNOCK ON WOOD.
][ liked someone so much you cried?: yea...
][ cussed when your parents were around?: THEY AINT EVER AROUND LOL
][ sung in front of the mirror?: everyday..
][ made faces in the mirror?: yea
][ spent more than 1 hour on your hair?: nope. washed it though.
][ sleep-walked/talked in your sleep?: i laugh in my sleep
][ watched a scary movie and couldn't sleep at niqht?: yeh fuckin chuckie he is actually HOTT.!
][ gone caroling: HAHAHA WHAT!? hahaha yes i have sang a carol
- would you ever.
][ jump out of a plane?: WHOA yess
][ go bungee jumping?: yea
][ stay in your room for the whole day? yea, i got my fingers dont i.
][ go in the snow w/o clothes?: fuck yeh
][ skinny dip?: yesss...!and threw my bathing suit in the air. and i almost threw it over a hill.
][ drink salt water?: yeh the ocean its so pretty
][ touch road kill?:fuck no but i have a touch an ugly boy befor like i was walkin and he bumped into sorry to be mean buts it true.
][ smile at your worst enemy?: OHH yeh and hit her with my bunny rabit and said sorry?
][ play 8,ooo bowling games in one night?: in w.v thats only fun thing you could do but they closed it down.
][ go to reno to get married?: reno what the fuck i aint goin to a game show to get married.
][ gamble?: yea
][ go to a foreign country?: haha no
][ fly a plane?: no i made a bus with chair once.
- who.
][ would you leave everything you own to if you died tomorrow?: i would give it to my best friend ashley.
][ who is the one person that you could stand spending a straight 24 hours with and not getting the slightest bit annoyed with?: ashley..b.c i love her.and known her my whole life.
][ if you woke up one morninq and noticed that your leq was missinq who would be the 1st person you would call?: the fuckin ambalance.duhh
][ what if you woke up tomorrow and you were someone else completely, who would you be?: I WANT TO BE my CRUSH.;)
][ what would be the 1st thinq you would do if you woke up one morninq and you were the opposite sex?: fuck bitches! and jack off in a guys asshole
][ if you could chanqe one thinq about yourself, what would you chanqe?: everything.
][ dream career?:actress
][ what is 1 thinq you just have to do before you die?: uhhhhh MAKE OUT WITH THE BOY I AM DYING TO HAVE.
][ what is the thinq you care about most in your life?: people.
- would you ever.
][ eat buqs puropsely?:yes
][ commit a crime?: haha yea
][ chanqe your reliqion?: i am a non churcher..
][ lie to your parents?: yea
][ jump over a waterfall?: yea or into.
][ chanqe clothes in front of an open window?: i do that everyday.i am naked in front of a the window an i live in an apartment!!:)
][ dress up as the opposite sex for an important event?: uhh.
][ qo out at niqht dressed in somethinq like a black trench coat and sunqlasses?: shaft?
][ sinq a harmonized duet in front of 5oo stranqers?:how about britany spears
][ tell someone you liked them even if they were much older than you?: oh yeh/?
- have you ever.
][ lied to your parents about somethinq really important?: yea
][ have your life threatened?: yes a bunch of times..
][ stayed up until the morninq light talkinq online?:no but on the phone.
][ made people qive you really weird qlances?: lmao yes.
][ read a shakespeare play?: yea
][ talked in your sleep?: yea
][ what did you say?: i said hehehehheheh
][ sunq at a karaoke bar?: no but at tiffany tokars b-day party a long time ago.
and i would though..when i get the chance.